[Gift] Galactic Gift September 2022 01

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Aphra woke up and turned to the beautiful muti-colored lights dancing on the edges his window. He open up the shades and a smile came to his face as he examined his neighbors decorations. It was one of the best times of the year, the holiday season which is also a very busy time for a courier. As he got ready for his day he thought of the work he had ahead and it made him quite anxious to have to interact with more Xeros trying to get packages but he enjoyed the look on the young ones faces as they handed him Santa letters. Even more he enjoyed that most houses left little snacks by the door free to take for hardworking couriers during the holiday season. He excitedly walked to the B’Haddu mail center to start his day. Once his messenger bag was stuffed to the brim with packages and mail he left to deliver presents for Xeros all around the Kubai desert. After a while while delivering he tripped over a branch and took a tumble down a small hill. He got up and took a look inside his messenger bag and took a sigh of relief. “At least nothing was damaged” he said. The he turned to look at scrap on his elbow “Oh Aphra, not again” said a granny Xero. It was one of Aphra favorite costumers. She always chats with him when he delivers to her but they really became friends through her amazing baking and her love to share it. “It’s okay, I’m fine” said Aphra. “I don’t doubt that but come inside. I just baked a sheet of my famous holiday cookies and I have ointment and a bandaid for that scrape.” In excitement Aphra said” well I am due for a break!” Granny Xero only made these cookies for the season and it quickly became holiday one of Aphra’s favorite things about this time of year. After a chat and cookies Aphra was all bandaged up and ready to continue his work. His next stop was a elementary school. He nervously walked inside. The teacher said “Aphra perfect timing we just finished writing our letters to santa” Aphra jumped a little when the teacher talked but put on the best smile he could muster as the children lined up to hand him their letters. One child was left in the back avoiding making eye contact. As Aphra looked at him it kinda reminded him of himself. Aphra took a deep breath and walked over to him almost tripping over a backpack while doing so. “Do you have a letter for santa?” Said Aphra. The child gingerly nodded his head. “Y-yes” stuttered the child. “If you give it to me i will make sure it gets to a Santa” said Aphra. The child hands it over. Aphra sees a drawing of a bug of the child’s notebook. Immediately getting excited he points it out. He finds out it was the child’s favorite bug. He had a pin of that bug on his messenger bag. He takes it off and give it to the kid. “Don’t worry I have another one at home” And a wide smile stretch’s across the kid’s face. Aphra turns says goodbye to the teacher. He off to continue his route with a smile on his face knowing he made that kid’s day.

[Gift] Galactic Gift September 2022 01
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In Galactic Gift ・ By FoxFangL-Wolf
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Submitted By FoxFangL-Wolf for Galactic Gift
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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[[Gift] Galactic Gift September 2022 01 by FoxFangL-Wolf (Literature)](https://projectxero.org/index.php/gallery/view/2524)
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