Korkonok crazy!

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As Valentino and Dusky trudged through the thick brush of the Jurupa Forest, they regretted not bringing more water. As Valentino sweated from his dense fur, Dusky was happy to have some areas of no hair, just to keep the sweating down. "Hey, we should split up. We can cover more ground that way. Val thought out loud. "I do not mind. You have your medication for the Koronoks, correct?" Dusky replied. Val nodded in response. "I'll go east, you'll go west?" Val nodded again. They planned to meet back at the large tree stump around 18:30 hours. As Dusky and Val split off, they both hoped they would find something, anything, related to the Koronoks.


As Valentino trudged through the forest alone, he listened intently for any sounds. His ears swiveled at a sudden hiss, where a Koronok was trapped in an earlier set trap. "Poor thing! Let's get your info so we can calm you down. He said, clicking on the high-tech cage to get the number and associated data. He then sent a message to the labs for the collection of the stressed Koronok. "Good condition, one scar, well fed..." He muttered to himself as he wrote down the information about the Koronok. After he finished, he placed a small, sunny agaric in the enclosure before shutting it and continuing on.


While Val was doing his task, Dusky was working on checking traps and the Koronoks natural habitat. As they stumbled through the thick forest brush, they noticed some tiny footprints in the muddy bank of a stream. "I hope these are from a Koronok..." They thought out loud, putting on their small reading glasses. When they checked the prints, they grumbled. Just footprints from a river ascadon... "I hope Valentino is having better luck." They said with a sigh. As they continued on with the hike, they eventually found a nice boulder to sit on as they had a snack. While they opened up the pack of dried ru berries, they reflected on what had happened thus far. "I really hope I find a Koronok..." Valentino is depending on me..." They mumbled. Once finished with the berries, they looked at the scenery around them. The large, lush trees used to provide shelter from the bright sun, the small stream quietly moving, the gray fur clumped in the brush... Wait. The gray fur...? They jumped up, running over to look at the fur clump hiding in the brush, and examined it. "This is fur from a Silva Koronok. I might be getting close!" They said excitedly, pocketing the fur before moving to check for more clues.


Meanwhile, Valentino was trudging through the forest once again, the greenery consuming all daylight as he got deeper into the forest. As he made his way through the forest, he used his lantern made of a glowing lichen to navigate the dark place. His paws dragged in the mud as he tried to readjust his personal items in his backpack with one paw, the other holding the lantern. Just as he was about to turn around and call it a day, a small flash of white darted past his vision. "This is my chance!" He thought to himself, trying his best to be careful and quiet as he followed the Koronok. While following it, he suddenly tripped on a small stick hidden in the muck. As he toppled down, the Koronok took its chance, delving away into the forest depths. "No! No, no, no, no, no..." he said, pain evident in his voice. "I was so close... I swear I could have caught it if I wasn't so stupid..." He grumbled to himself before getting a grip on his mind once again. "No, no. It's a common mishap; I'm sure everyone else has messed up somehow while doing this." He said to himself, reassuring the feeling that he made a terrible mistake. "I think it's time to be done here a bit early." I'm starting to go Koronok crazy!"

Korkonok crazy!
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In Holiday ・ By Noodles_are_cool

* This has been submitted here due to the holiday gallery being closed. 

Submitted By Noodles_are_cool for Rescue, Rehabilitate, and Release
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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