Submission (#3810) Approved

6 May 2023, 00:11:40 EDT (1 year ago)
6 May 2023, 03:31:15 EDT (1 year ago) by Blair


More cans collected for the container refund scheme

I use the drill bit to “un-dent” the cans as the machines will not accept any cans that have an unreadable barcode.

For the exact reason stated above, I go on regular foraging walks. Cans that get left out for a long period of time are subject to all manner of ways that make them unfit to be exchanged. The sooner I get out there and pick them up, the better the chances I can exchange them.

Even when I’m not actively looking for containers, if I see trash I’ll pick it up


Reward Amount
Prestige 5



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Thundernuggets's Bank

Currency Quantity