Profile X-070: Dr. Frankie

Owned by NorthernMalagon

Current Relationships with other Xero's:

Other Half/Partner

X-140 - Andy - Frankie loves her other half Andy. A shy but kind-hearted bean, Frankie would fight the world for them. 


X-072 Trixie - Dear friend and sometimes volunteer at her clinic! Puts up with Frankie's strange obsession with ocean life.

Clinic Volunteers

X-175 Tiki - Nurse in Frankies clinic! Is great with the youngins and has a problem with giving them too many stickers...and putting stickers all over the clinic rooms....

Regular Patients

X-124 D N/A - A favorite patient of Frankies. She adores both of them. 
X-089 Fenrir - Seemingly someone who gets into trouble quite often, Frankie now has a regular.

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