Caped Leaflet (Expedition)

In Expeditions ・ By Tarots
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Caped Leaflet (Expedition)
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In Expeditions ・ By Tarots

Caped Leaflets are creatures that stalk the floor of Kiah, often sporting a sort of leaf-like cape. They use these leaf-life capes as camoflage from other predators that may lurk nearby. These creatures are mostly omnivores, typically eating local flora along with insects who may be confused by the flower-like tail. The caped leaflets tend to congregate in large groups when they sense danger to form a disguise similar to a bush. In times of need, the group can also disperse into individual leaves to hide among their surroundings.

They also sport long antennae off the top of their head that work similar to whiskers on a cat, allowing them to detect vibrations and movements in their immediate vicinity. Their leafy capes also change color based on their mood; green is neutral, blue indicates sadness, yellow shows excitement or happiness, and red signals anger. When angered, they will emit a noxious odor from their nostrils, which is quite unpleasant for those around them. Caped Leaflets are able to reproduce through burying seeds that fall out of the leaf though they are very slow at doing so and usually only have one child per year.

Submitted By Tarots for Jungle Expedition: Survey
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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