Site News
12 2024 Updates!
Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by NeonSlushie12 2024 Updates!
For the month of December, you can submit this prompt 5 times rather than the usual 4!
This prompt bonus will END on Tuesday, December 31st AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
December Activities
We have a few small bonuses for the holiday season!
Thanks to the approaching Longest Night, comet clusters are appearing more frequently!
For the month of December, there is a rare chance to encounter comet clusters in all foraging locations! The crater location will also stay twice as long once it shows up!
A seasonal fruit is back in fashion! The Astera Thistle, a fruit that allows your Xero to have fluffy paw pads, is available in the Greenhouse for the month of December!
Give a gift to yourself! You can also obtain an Astera Thistle by completing the Cosmic Contribution prompt this month!
Regular Monthly Prompts
Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!

11 2024 XOTM: mewsmeow's X-989!
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!

ARC Survey: 031
As our year comes to a close many people on Owai-6 look to the stars to remember the Longest Night. A time to remember the resilience of the past but also one to look towards to the future.
This ARC Survey asks: What is your Xero’s new year’s wish? Or, what is your Xero’s fondest memory from this past year?
Each prompt may only be submitted once per user!
These monthly prompts END on Thursday, December 26th AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
Twilight Carnival Mega Raffle
Our Twilight Carnival Mega Raffle has been rolled; congrats to our winners! 🎉
Expect to be contacted shortly to have you pick your prize if you won a beaker or vial!
x1 X-1035 - won by ReggieFelis
x4 Standard MYO
Scout, MarlowMayhem, GreenBean, subsequentibis
x3 Unusual MYO
MooseStash, Anhelisk, Crickettheserval
x2 Notable MYO
Farrin_Nuff, Earth
x3 5 Orbits
WulfenSol, JinxWolf34, AdelineQuinn
x3 5,000 Prestige
SkyFoxWorks, Riles, savijo
LilliCherry, GeckoJackal, Achromask, Neon_Spy, Meeko
x5 Beaker of choice
OhKay, Golden-Boy, grannypix, victobious, Milkichee
Woodland Xeros!
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by NeonSlushieA new Subspecies of Xero has been created!
Welcome Woodland Xeros!
In the process of finding a cure to help the Koronoks thrive in the wild, Dee experimented with both Koronok and Xero DNA...
a warm welcome to the tree-climbing Woodland Xeros!
Woodland Xeros are adapted to an arboreal lifestyle of climbing trees and hiding in tree hollows. With their lithe bodies and their special paw pads they are perfectly suited for gripping onto all kinds of surfaces and squeezing into tight spaces. Woodland Xeros love being up high and many have been found napping by wrapping their bodies around tree trunks or branches. However, their long bodies mean they cannot easily walk on two legs and instead get around on all fours most of the time.
Woodland Xeros are in the Anomaly category, so all three of these traits can be obtained by making a Woodland Xero with an Anomaly Xero ORB! If you wish to add these traits to your existing Xero or to another type of ORB please visit the Atelier shop to use the brand new Woodland Vial and Woodland Beaker!
3 new woodland-specific traits!
Woodland Pads

Flat pads that cover the entire palm and sole of their paws allow Woodland Xeros to grip onto bark and foliage with ease while climbing, allowing them to get to higher elevations quicker. These pads are covered in the same setae as standard Xero paws, but the higher coverage gives them enhanced grip.
Woodland Tail

A Woodland Xero's long tail is the perfect counterweight to help them balance up in the trees. They're also extremely handy in helping them wrap around tree trunks and branches when climbing. While useful for traversal, some Woodland Xeros have found that it can cause quite a tripping hazard in their day to day lives.
Long Body

All Woodland Xeros have a greatly elongated body and shorter, more compact limbs. This adaptation allows them to squeeze into spaces that most Xeros cannot. Their long bodies also enable them to easily wrap around tree limbs with little effort.
✨ A Special Prize awaits after the event...
Save your Orbits! A limited-time special Blueprint will be available to purchase in Jackpot Planet only for event participants after the Twilight Carnival ends, December 3rd through 6th.
It looks like a Blueprint chip from ARC's MAKR Machine, but why do you get the feeling the Curator has something to do with this eerie-looking card? What instructions does it contain?
❗️ a reminder that Multi-Accounting is strictly Prohibited! ❗️
Making additional accounts or using a friend or family member's account to gain extra foraging turns, collect extra free carnival gifts, or otherwise exist purely to funnel additional items and currencies into a main account is against Project Xero rules and will result in a ban for all accounts involved. Please do your part to keep Project Xero fair to all players and only use one account to play the game!
🌲 Thank you all, and happy Twilight Carnival! 🌲
Twilight Carnival 2024!
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by NeonSlushie
Something is amiss in jurupa forest...
A species of small tree-dwelling animal faces a invisible foe. One that threatens to wipe them out entirely, unless...
★ Event Activity Summary! ★
Capture and heal Koronoks to help ARC save them!
Forage daily for mushrooms & other supplies!
Free gifts in the shop weekly!
Craft Baskets for fun surprises!
Earn tickets for our Mega Raffle!
Participate in our Discord Xingo! A Xero-themed Bingo with prizes!
Don't forget our Monthly Prompts & Limited Event Prompts!
This event updates weekly so please check back here! We will have more details scheduled to be released as the event goes on!
★ Click for full event information! ★
Free Gifts, Crafting, & Foraging!
Each week, all users will be able to grab one free Carnival Gift from Jackpot Planet with a chance at Astatine, Prestige, Orbits and more! Log in for the weekly turnover to claim your gift! Remember, if you forget to claim your gift before the weekly reset you will miss out! Gifts reset every Sunday at 7pm EST.
Each Gift Bag always contains:
Each Bag will also contain 1 of the following:
The Crafting System and Blueprints make a return for this year's Twilight Carnival! Blueprints allow you to assemble your foraged items into bigger, better prizes using ARC Lab's MAKR Machine. In each basket you will find various items, such as limited-time Seasonal Produce, rarer gemstones, and everyone's favourite element: Astatine! Start crafting your baskets and see how luck rewards you!
Blueprints can be obtained for free in each weekly Carnival Gift.
A limited number of additional blueprints can be purchased in Jackpot Planet, and baskets themselves can be earned from certain prompts or even foraged!
❗️ We will not be able to restore items for those who use them mistakenly, so please be careful when crafting. ❗️
Returning Seasonal Fruit
Available all month in the Greenhouse and Jackpot Planet!
Hake Nut, Mult Fruit, Goodroop Berry, Spikul Fruit, Harvest Fairy, and Sugar Drop all make a return!
Users can purchase 1 of each fruit in the Greenhouse. Additional fruits can be won at Jackpot Planet or found in Baskets!
New Foraging Location!
To help you find the items you'll need to craft Baskets and other event items, we have a temporary Foraging location: Twilight Path!
This location only drops items needed for event crafting recipes and activities, as well as a rare chance for Baskets, Orbits, Comet Clusters, and even Koronoks.
Free gifts, blueprints, seasonal produce, and the Twilight Path location will no longer be available after
Saturday, November 30th AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
The rangers need your help!
The Rangers Corp. has requested a special team for an on-planet expedition to ensure the safe capture and release of a species native to Jurupa Forest called the Koronok.
The Koronoks have suffered from unprecedented population decline over the last two cycles. Without a clear answer, things look dire. ARC Labs has agreed to help in finding the reason behind the decline and hopefully a solution to save the species so the Koronoks can be reintroduced. To help ensure the safe capture of many individuals, the Rangers Corp. is looking to recruit those with previous experience or interest in the following fields: animal handling, capture and release techniques, and familiarity with Jurupa's greater environment and ecology.
Interested in helping out the Koronoks' cause?
Consider visiting your local Rangers recruitment office to submit your application today!
Thank you for your interest and assistance. Together we can ensure the survival of this unique species!
Build traps and bait through the Crafting tab to get a chance at capturing a Koronok. Koronoks come in 3 color variants and using different baits in a trap will boost the chances of getting certain variants! However, be prepared to encounter sick Koronoks! Sick Koronoks can be healed by administrating medicine to them. Healing sick Koronoks also comes with a bonus of earning their Index page!
You can learn more about crafting traps & bait and healing Koronoks by visiting the Koronok Turn-in Prompt!
See you out in Jurupa forest! We need all the help we can get!
Mushroom madness!
Failure is a part of learning.
It has come to ARC's attention that the outbreak of non-native fungal spores present in Harbor two cycles ago, assumed to be contained then, has in reality established a troublesome population in Jurupa Forest. The moderate year-round climate and heavy precipitation has made this an ideal location for their growth- but their establishment is disaster for the local Koronok population.
Koronoks are primarily fungivores so it is imperative ARC collect specimens to learn more about these alien mushrooms and the similarities and differences between the invasive and native species and how they are effected.
Every day, you can attempt to collect a mushroom by Foraging!
These mushrooms are necessary ingredients for creating medication to immunize the Koronoks against the invasive, poisonous fungi and they are of great interest to ARC's scientists for study. There are 9 fungi foragables in total; collect a set of all 9 by the end of the month and submit them to the Mushroom Turn-In Prompt!
Get out there and start foraging! The Koronoks' fate depends on it!
The Wild Indoors!
ARC is requesting tools to minimize stress for both lab staff and the Koronok patients alike.
Building enrichment, cooking food, and donating extra medicine to help care for the Koronoks in ARC's care ensures success. Koronoks are delicate and temperamental and the stress of being removed from their natural habitat can take a huge toll on their recovery. ARC knows bringing the familiarity of the woodland to their temporary enclosures at the lab will make the stay much easier.
Similarly, having familiar fresh foods provided to the Koronoks seems to help improve their recovery times greatly. ARC has access to their favorite mushrooms but they are cultivated varieties, which lack critical mycorrhizal nutrients these mushrooms receive growing in the wild. Donations will help supplement a balanced pellet diet.
Finally, ARC looks for volunteers who can afford to synthesize medicine. Vaccinating the captured population can help those that fall ill to fight through their sickness. Combating a bottleneck in the population would be difficult. So even if it doesn't cure them outright, it is important to prioritize stabilizing a large population to solidify genetic diversity.
You can use the Crafting tab to cook Koronok food, build a Log Nest, and synthesize Medicine to donate to ARC through the Enrichment Turn-In Prompt. Remember these items must be submitted together as a bundle to be eligible for rewards!
Forgot how to craft something? Try checking your recipe book!
Fertilizer Frenzy!
An old friend, Tilly, steps up to run a donation drive !
Tilly, the ever-curious Korso, pokes her beak in to learn about the Koronok's Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release efforts. Perhaps because of her proclivity to chase excitement in life, she jumps at the opportunity to help out!
Tilly is calling for donations of Fertilizer and Premium fertilizer on ARC's behalf. They will need a lot of it as they plan to medicate it and spread it over a large testing area to hopefully eradicate all the invasive mushrooms, stopping the spread and retuning balance to the forest. This area will serve as a release site for the Koronok so they can be monitored to see the effectiveness of the vaccine and reestablish a stable breeding population.
Items needed for creating Fertilizer or Premium Fertilizer can be found through Foraging!
Once obtained, check the Crafting tab to create the required items needed for the Fertilizer Turn-In prompt.
Eww, dirt and poop again? Well, the Koronoks are cute enough to make all the work worth it in the end!
Event Prompts
Participating in these two limited-time prompts to gain Orbits, extra raffle tickets for our Mega Raffle, and other special prizes!
In this prompt, draw or write about your Xero participating as a Ranger in the Rescue, Rehabilitate, and Release program.
How does your Xero interact with or observe the Koronoks? What is your Xero's task in helping with the program? How would they safely do so while being careful to not stress the animals? Do they bring special tools to assist them with this task? Clothing or gear?
Participating in this prompt awards 1 Twilight Carnival Badge, 3 Orbits, 1 Advanced Trap, 1 Seasonal Basket, and 10 tickets to our Mega Raffle!
For those that are new here, every once and a while we like to get the community together to donate to a charity to help a cause out and get the community some special rewards to boot!
Did you know that black-footed ferrets were thought to be extinct until a small population of them was discovered in the early 1980s? The surviving population of just 18 animals were brought into captivity for a breeding program.
Every 10 USD donated to the charity gets you a Premium Produce item, as well as 1 Orbit! We are capping the donations to 30 USD a person! You may receive up to 3 items and 3 Orbits in total! You may donate more, but you will not receive any additional rewards!
Each prompt may only be submitted once per user!
These event prompts END on Saturday, November 30th AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
Games & Prizes
To celebrate Twilight Carnival, we have some pretty spectacular prizes available this month; you don't want to miss out on this!
It's Xingo time again! Join us in our Discord (18+) for Xingo - a Xero-themed Bingo game that lasts all month!
Every day new words are called and when you get 5 in a row, you get a prize! You can even get a prize by getting Patterns & Secret Words!
Each line, pattern, or secret word will earn you 1 Orbit & 1 ticket to our Mega Raffle! You can learn all about it in our Xingo prompt, which is where you'll go to claim your prizes!
Xingo is OPEN for sign-ups now! Click HERE to sign up!
Spaces are limited!
✨ A Special Prize awaits after the event...
Save your Orbits! A limited-time special Blueprint will be available to purchase only for event participants from December 3rd through 6th.
It looks like a Blueprint chip from ARC's MAKR Machine, but why do you get the feeling the Curator has something to do with this eerie-looking card? What instructions does it contain?
Twilight Carnival Mega Raffle
The Twilight Carnival Mega Raffle will run the entire month! There will be 30 winners with different prizes!
Raffle tickets can be earned by participating in the Event Prompts and getting Xingos in our Discord!
Note: The MYO prizes will be given as already-opened slots with a sale value of $0.
x1 Special Free Xero Giveaway!
x4 Standard MYO
x3 Unusual MYO
x2 Notable MYO
x1 Anomaly ORB
x3 5 Orbits
Regular Monthly Prompts
Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!
11 2024 XOTM: DuskPupDesigns' X-1038!
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 030
The sights are one thing, but to most, the best part of the Twilight Carnival is the food. From all corners of AREZ space, people come and bring the tastes and smells of their homes, culminating in a huge street festival full of sharing and new experiences.
This year we are curious about foods from other planets... maybe even your home, Earth!
★ Click for Twilight Carnival Event FAQ ★
General Event Questions
★ How do I participate in the event?
★ Will certain event items be removed from my inventory after the event?
★ How do I access the MAKR Machine to Craft?
★ How do I get materials to craft?
★ What are Orbits? How do I redeem them?
★ How can I join the Mega Raffle? Is it free?
The Mega Raffle is free to join and will have 30 winners. You can earn Mega Raffle tickets through Prompts, activities, and the Xingo. Raffle tickets are automatically added to the raffle page when they are awarded. The Mega Raffle and the number of tickets you have earned so far can be viewed HERE.
★ Why does the Donation drive cost real money? What are ✨ Special traits?
Our event donation drives are partnered with accredited wildlife foundations and focus on connecting our events to real world issues. By donating you are helping real animals. Project Xero does not see these funds as they are always given to our foundation of choice directly by players. With proof of purchase, we award Premium Produce that will result in traits with the ✨ Special rarity.
★ My question isn't answered here, where should I ask it?
Lore questions
★ What are the Koronoks? Where do they live?
Koronoks are mammal-like noodly little vertebrates that spend their days hiding in small crevices and hollows in the giant trees of Jurupa forest. Their many limbs have dexterous paws for grasping branches and their extremely long tails helps them stay balanced, even when navigating the narrowest of twigs. Koronok emerge at night to feast on the bountiful native mushrooms found throughout the forest.
Size: 20-25 in / 50-64 cm
★ Who are the characters in the story?
★ Does my participation impact the story?
Twilight Carnival 2022
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Frouzon
Time has forgotten who was first to propose the idea of The Twilight Carnival but one thing is certain: It’s the one event in AREZ you don’t wanna miss!
Taking place 30 days before the anniversary of the official beginning of the Alurizan Reserve, it is a celebration of many significant events: the traditional harvest season, a celebration of unity and coming together to be a greater collective.
Event Activity Summary!
Forage daily for mushrooms & other goodies!
Participate in our Discord Xingo! A Xero-themed Bingo with prizes!
Free gifts in the shop weekly!
Earn tickets for our Mega Raffle!
Don't forget our Monthly Prompts & Limited Event Prompts!
For some of the later events, (Quiz, GA opening, Donation Event, Sales) We will have more details closer to the dates they are scheduled! Thank you for your patience!
Click for all the details!
Calling All Volunteers!
As I'm sure you have heard by now, there has been an outbreak of non-native fungal spores in Harbor and the timing could not be worse. To help contain the outbreak, we're recruiting individuals with with previous experience or interest in the following fields: foraging, fungus identification, or mycology.
While the initial contamination has been contained, the existing fruits must be collected before they are allowed to produce more spores and succeed our containment capacities. Please report to the address below and await further instructions.
Thank you for your interest and assistance. Together we can ensure that this outbreak does not become a full-fledged spread of an invasive species!
Every day, you can attempt to collect a mushroom from our new site feature: Foraging!
There are 12 new mushrooms in total; collect all 12 by the end of the month to gain a Twilight Carnival 2022 badge and 10 Raffle Tickets in our huge Twilight Carnival Mega Raffle! Please check out our Discord's Twilight Carnival section to trade your duplicate mushrooms and submit your completed collection for rewards.
Get out there and start foraging! We need all the help we can get!
Now what would be a special event month without some New Seasonal Produce? We have 2 that will be gracing us this Twilight Carnival!
All Xeros who currently have these traits will have them added automatically, but going forward MYO’s with these traits will require the items to make them possible!

The Hake Nut allows a Xero to gain an Ornamental Tail! This is a fancy tail tip made of hard keratin or cartilage. It can be almost any shape, as long as it’s placed on the end of the tail!
And the Harvest Fairy! This seed allows a Xero to have a set of Frilled Ears! These ears have a grooved outer edge, giving them a jagged or wing-like appearance!
Both new items can be purchased from ARC Lab, found in Autumn Produce Baskets, or foraged!
Mult Fruit, Goodroop Fruit, and Spikul Fruit are back as well!
They are available in limited quantities all month in the ARC Lab and Autumn Produce Baskets so make sure to stock up before they go out of season!
Limited Time Event Prompts

Search for the Woodland Ghost
Draw or write about your Xero’s foraging excursion! Consider what tools they may need. Where do they decide to search? How and what do they collect? Are they doing this for ARC, or for their own research?
Participating in this prompt awards 1 Astatine, 1 Twilight Carnival Badge, 1 Autumn Produce Basket, 1 Autumn Foraging Basket, and 1 ticket to our Mega Raffle!
Jam Jamboree
It is a widespread custom during the Twilight Carnival to make home-cooked foods. It is said exchanging cultural food helps us all come together; food transcends even the most arduous of borders. Not all of us are fantastic cooks, however- so this simple jam recipe is popular among many Alurizan residents.
Follow along with our recipe (or any other recipe) and try your hand at making some jam for the Twilight Carnival!
Participating in this prompt awards 1 Astatine, 1 Twilight Carnival Badge, 1 Autumn Produce Basket, 1 Autumn Foraging Basket, and 1 ticket to our Mega Raffle!
Prizes & Freebies
The Twilight Carnival is a holiday of sharing and celebration - what better way to give back to the community than with free items every week?
During the Twilight Carnival, we will drop a free Gift Bag in the shops for everyone to pick up; the contents of this bag are a random surprise but will always contain the rare element Astatine! Open it from your inventory to see what kind of prizes you get!
Join us in our Discord for our second Bingo Xingo - a Xero-themed Bingo game that lasts all month! Every day new words are called and when you get 5 in a row, you get a prize! Prizes include Prestige, Astatine, Autumn Baskets, and tickets to the Mega Raffle!
Twilight Carnival Mega Raffle
The Twilight Carnival Mega Raffle will run the entire month! There will be 10 winners with 10 different prizes! Raffle tickets can be earned by participating in the Event Prompts, Getting Xingos in our Discord, completing your Mushroom Foraging Collection, and more!
1. Xero X-420
10. Desert Beaker
11. 50 Prestige
12. 5 Astatine
13. Mysterious Orb + 10 Prestige
14. Mysterious Orb + 10 Prestige
15. Mysterious Orb + 10 Prestige
Monthly Prompts
Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!
11 2022 XOTM: woufe's X-338
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 006
The lantern fruits are carved, the sweetsaps spiced, and the evenings are crisp; it must be Carnival time!
The question this time is: how do YOU celebrate it? We are ever so curious about what traditions you have taken up or what new Xero experiences you have to share and make Aluriza that much more vibrant!
10 2024 Updates!
Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by NeonSlushie
REGULAR Monthly Prompts
As always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!
10 2024 XOTM: Vena's X-817!
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 029
A previous ARC Survey has come back around for more data: How does your Xero carve their lantern fruit in preparation for the upcoming Twilight Carnival?
Each prompt may only be submitted once per user!
THeSe prompts END Saturday, October 26th AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
New Quest Enters Rotation!
Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Frouzon

Neo is one of the many Recycling Officers of Owai-6!
Neo's job is to collect recyclables from citizens every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month. The Recycling Centers around Owai-6 are subsidized through each respective municipality. They look to provide Alurizan citizens with a fair buy-back program, encouraging awareness about proper waste management. Neo is very passionate about their work so it's best to keep things brief unless you're ready for an earful about the entire history of Recycling innovations!
Neo's key art is by Frouzon!
Lost Items Now Openable!
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by NeonSlushie
Lost items can now be opened for a chance at big rewards!
Lost items, found through foraging, can now be opened. Each lost item has a unique drop table filled with some very tempting goodies- but opening others' property is considered poor taste! You may be better off waiting for a turn-in Quest to appear; completing turn-in Quests ensures you'll always be well rewarded for your honesty.

Don't let this opportunity go to waste!
While foraging, you may stumble across litter about on Owai-6. It's every Alurizan's responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy environment, and that includes cleaning up after yourself and others. Don't turn a blind eye to things out of place. Pick it up and recycle it!
Try Crafting the new Recycling item!
Project Xero's 3rd Anniversary!
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by NeonSlushieHappy 3rd Anniversary!
We are kicking off our celebration of 3 years of Project Xero with a slew of new activities!
It's an entire event of sweet treats you will NOT want to miss out on!
We'd like to once again extend thanks to all the ProjectXero players new and old who have continued to help us craft an absolutely stellar community and share our alien passions! With that said, let's get this party started!!
Limited Time Event Prompts
Bake a Ru berry cupcake
In this two-part Quest prompt, you'll help Ziggy prepare for ARC's surprise party by collecting ingredient items and baking them into the perfect sweet treat- a Ru Berry Cupcake!
There's only one problem... Ziggy is out of Recipes.
You're tasked with not only collecting all ingredients but also all the Recipes to make sure the party is a success!
Participating in this prompt awards 3 Orbits & a 3rd Anniversary Badge!
Click here to help Ziggy out!

Picture Perfect Party!
In this prompt, draw or write about how your Xero prefers to spend their night at ARC's 3rd Anniversary party! Are they excited? Are they shy? How did they get invited anyways?
This prompt is very open ended and we can't wait to see what shenanigans your Xeros get up to at ARC!
Participating in this prompt awards 1 Orbit, 1 Recipe, & a 3rd Anniversary Badge!

Baker's bash!
In this prompt, you'll be baking in real life. Create a dessert dish for you or your family to enjoy in the name of Project Xero's 3rd Anniversary!
This prompt is accepting desserts of all kinds and we are very excited to see what dish is your favorite. Will you make something celebratory or do you prefer homey comforting sweets?
Participating in this prompt awards 1 Orbit, 1 Recipe, & a 3rd Anniversary Badge!
New Crafting Recipes
This event brings new blueprints called "Recipes" to the Crafting System!
Four new Recipes allow you to combine items into ingredients for use in making food dishes.
Recipes can be obtained for free in this event's limited time Prompts. Additional blueprints can be purchased in Jackpot Planet.
You can earn these Recipes through Prompts:
You can buy these Recipes with Prestige:

New Ingredient Items!
It's time to get cooking with new ingredient items!
Combining Produce and Forageable items using ARC Lab's MAKR machine lets you make food dishes! Each ingredient item has a unique recipe, so be sure to pay close attention when crafting! Lucky for you, Ziggy has kindly provided you with a somewhat eccentrically written grocery list so you are not shopping blind.
Recipes for Milk, Sugar, Flour and the Ru Berry Cupcakes will no longer be available after JULY 21st AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
Invite Codes
Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by NeonSlushie
Currently, the Project Xero website is invite-only. You can get an invite code by opening a ticket in our Discord or send a DM to us on social media!
2024 Important Updates!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushieIt's a new year and we have a huge new update!
Since ProjectXero began in 2021, our team has prided ourselves in our capacity to learn, innovate, and bring our community joy through our game. We are so grateful for your continued love and support for Xeros over these 3 years. We have grown so much alongside the community and moving into 2024 would like to address updating the website for a better experience overall.
At the beginning of this year, we invited a group of individuals from our community to provide us with feedback on changes we wished to make to the game. These changes have been carefully curated, by our staff team and the community alike, to make things better for the future of ProjectXero.
Below you can find a brief overview, with more details under the click bar.
❗ These updates are not rolling out immediately! ❗
We are giving everyone a 3-week heads up before we begin launching these updates in early February. We wanted January to be a buffer month for players to collect their MYOs or any desired items at their current availability before we implement these changes.
The Trait Update will go live on February 1st, while the Economy Update will go live on February 5th!
2024 Update Summary!
The Prestige economy is getting a major overhaul! Shifting from a system of 100s of Prestige to one of 1,000s of Prestige. This will give us more wiggle room with rewards and pricing going forward, allowing us to do things like add more activities or sale prices to common forageables.
We're adding a new free MYO option! All players will now have the opportunity to earn a 1-time, account-bound MYO for 1/3rd the price of the yearly Prestige MYO.
🎁 We're adding a new free gift to the shops! Every player, new or old, can claim this 1-time free gift in Jackpot Planet!
Many traits are getting overhauled, streamlined, or expanded for greater consistency and character customization options.
We are closing up our MYO/Redesign tickets, as well as the Questions channel temporarily at the end of the month to give us some time to put these changes into effect!
Check out the details below for more information!
Click for all the details!
Economy Update!
The economy in Project Xero has been largely unchanged since the game was introduced in June of 2021. We are planning on reworking scaling for currency, items, MYOs, rewards, and more. This change is being made because we have found our current system based around 300 Prestige too restrictive. Rebalancing this system will ensure users will have much more to do and that items obtained through site activities can be sold for appropriate amounts.
Essentially, the issue is that the biggest item available for purchase with Prestige (the 300 P MYO) dictates our "Prestige ceiling". Because this number was so low, it means that any currency users can earn from site activities (prompts, selling forageables, upcoming game features, etc.) must be much lower than this number in order to allow users to 'save up' for the big reward.
This poses a problem when setting resale prices on certain items, such as common items like stones. The minimum amount of Prestige an item can have set for resale is 1, but if someone has 100 stones in their inventory, suddenly they can be 1/3rd of the way to a MYO. This low ceiling also makes it difficult for us to add new game features (Some of which are nearly ready to be implemented!) because we want MYOs to be something players can look forward to saving up for, not something you can get instantaneously.

To summarize, the 300
MYO is too low of a ceiling currently and makes it too difficult to properly divide prompt or game rewards and item resale prices within it. We are scaling up the system entirely, including costs of items, resale prices for items, and rewards for prompts.
- Prestige will be increased from a scale of 100s to a scale of 1,000s.
- Almost all items will be able to have a resale value, with a minimum of 1 P
- Prompt rewards will be increased to reflect the new scale.
- Trait item prices have been increased from their original price to reflect the new scale.
- Prestige MYO price has been increased to reflect the new scale.
- We are ready to add several new game/site features to help give users more ways to earn currency with this economic change and use the items they have gathered.
We believe for the future of the site and species, these changes will improve QoL for both our new and established players. As Project Xero enters its third year, we have always made a point to communicate with the community that things they are used to may change and scale as time goes on. This is a substantial change compared to the proposed update last year, but we are certain that users will be able to adapt quickly.
Before you look at these large numbers and panic, Prestige earned from prompts & activities are being scaled up as well.
This number increase is PURELY to have a higher Prestige ceiling. Our goal is to keep the process of earning your MYO(s) roughly about the same as current, just with an overall better economic system for the rest of the games and items. Hopefully, this makes sense to you all!
Current MYO Price: 300 Prestige
Proposed MYO: 30,000 Prestige
Current Standard Trait: 5 Prestige
Proposed Standard: 500 Prestige
Current Unusual Trait: 10 Prestige
Proposed Unusual: 1000 Prestige
Current Notable Trait: 15 Prestige
Proposed Notable: 3000 Prestige
Current Anomaly Trait: 25 Prestige
Proposed Anomaly: 5000 Prestige
Seasonal Trait: Limit of 1 per person in-store, additional free ones can be earned for a limited time in decent amounts by participating in event activities.
Current Seasonal: 25 Prestige
Proposed Seasonal: 7500 Prestige
In addition to the scale changing, there is also a bit of an increase in some of the trait’s rarity. Standard and Unusual trait items will remain very common and fairly easy to get by playing the game normally. However Notable, Anomaly, and Seasonal traits will now be more rare and will require frequent engagement/effort/time to obtain. Just like in Neopets or other similar games, part of the appeal of playing is to save up to get the rarer customization options. We feel if all options remain fairly equal in rarity and obtained in abundance, interest in continued interaction tends to drop a lot.
Currently, MYOs and most trait items are extremely abundant. Part of this is because of the current scale being so low, but the other part of this comes down to the need for more ways to spend Prestige. These are issues we are aware of and actively working on rectifying! We understand these changes may sound intimidating at first, but we have put in tremendous effort to ensure our changes are balanced to the best of our ability, including reaching out to community members for feedback.
We are certain this economic update is the best way forward for ProjectXero at large.
Feel free to do prompts, activities, and purchase any items or MYO slots with the current system before this economic update goes live!
New Starter MYO!
We are adding a new MYO option: An easier-to-get MYO that is only available one time per account, available for 10,000 Prestige. This ‘starter’ MYO should be achievable for a new member with 1-2 months of playing the game, depending on activity level. This MYO does not refresh yearly like the others, it is available one time only. This MYO will be available to ALL accounts once released, not just FTOs, though its primary purpose is to allow new players an easier entry into the game.
This 1-time MYO will be account-bound meaning the item, slot, and final character are bound to the owner’s account. This MYO is primarily to help provide players with a ‘starter character’, if they want additional characters or MYO slots to trade, they can earn/purchase more! We believe having these more easily obtained ones be account-bound will also help cut back on potential issues of multi-accounting.
The other yearly Prestige and Wish Shard MYOs will still be available to everyone and will refresh every year, but they will require more time/effort to get, which should help increase the desirability of MYOs and Xeros in general.
The new Starter MYO will be available starting on February 5th!
new Welcome Gift!
We will also be adding a new ‘AREZ Welcome Gift' item that can be retrieved for free in Jackpot Planet, once per account. All members will receive the opportunity to claim this 1-time gift. For new players, this is essentially a starter package; for old players, this is a little gift to thank you all for sticking with us!
Creating side accounts or asking friends to make accounts to claim gifts for you is strictly against the rules and will result in a ban for all parties.
The AREZ Welcome Gift will contain the following:
- 1 Greenhouse Coupon
- 3,000 Prestige
- 3 Orbits
This free gift will be available starting on February 5th!
Trait Overhaul!
A handful of traits will be getting their rarities swapped around, a few traits are getting combined, and some traits will be removed completely. The primary purpose of this is better balancing, but also more logical choices. When Nico made the species in 2021, they had very few trait ideas solidified at the beginning which resulted in some traits in rarity tiers that don't necessarily make sense for the species.
"What I mean by this is that Xeros are an arboreal species that live in trees with a climbing lifestyle. A trait like a prehensile tail should be more common than a short, useless bobtail that would actually hinder a Xeros ability to climb and navigate in branches." ~Nico
Some traits are fully moving categories, such as moving from ‘Event Traits’ to regular tiers. Some traits may also be separated out further (such as folded puppy ears and fully hanging 'lopped' rabbit ears) in order to make the traits’ usage further defined.
- Plume Tail is being removed as a seasonal trait (changing to Unusual rarity) and will be replaced by a different future Seasonal trait. Seasonal traits are also being divided up into actual seasons now, with the idea of hosting 3 separate holiday events each year, with each event having 3 seasonal trait items available during it; Instead of Twilight Carnival being very trait-heavy at the end of the year.
- Patterned Skin & Bioluminescent are swapping places. Patterned Skin will become Anomaly Rarity, and Bioluminescent will become a Premium trait alongside Split & Dazzle. Bioluminescent will still be plenty available, as it will be able to be purchased with Orbits in Jackpot Planet, obtained randomly through Mysterious Orbs, obtained through charity donation drives, and earned for free with the yearly Lantern Fruit carving prompt! We believe this will suit the usage and desirability of these traits better.
- Venomous will be updated so that darker markings bordering neon/high-contrast fur markings are optional; the main purpose of the trait is the neon-colored skin. To reflect this change we are also renaming this trait from Venomous to Aposematic, which is defined as an animal that displays bright colors to communicate toxicity.
- Curly Tail is being combined into Prehensile Tail due to redundancy; Xeros with this trait will either have the trait changed to Prehensile Tail if the Xero features a tightly curled tail, or refunded with a grant of a Helix Bean item if Prehensile Tail is not applicable to their character's design.
- Pigment Mutations are getting a large overhaul. The traits Albino, Leucistic, and Melanistic are being combined into one trait that may be called “No Countershading” - this would encapsulate a Xero of any color (light, dark, or in between) that lacks the typical countershaded belly that is required on all Xeros otherwise.
There are multiple reasons for these trait changes including:
- The original traits were widely considered too confusing to many, from users and staff alike.
- The change will allow for increased character customization. Currently, there is no way to have a solid-green Xero with no countershading, for example.
- In addition, it was brought to our attention how these traits may be seen as anthropomorphizing real human conditions such as Albinism. We recognized through discussion that while we aimed to educate about conditions that apply to animals in nature, these conditions occur in humans as well, and we do not wish to reduce those conditions to rare traits as we feel this is not being respectful of those individuals.
- Similar to the above reasons, Piebald is also being removed as a trait. In addition to the reasons stated above, it does not make sense for us to only have restrictions on white splotches as a ‘special trait’, when splotches of any other color are not traited, nor are markings of any other kind (Outside of the species required countershading). We also do not wish to put a paywall on a trait for people who may have a similar-looking condition, such as vitiligo, from creating a Xero that reflects themselves. Owners of all Xeros with the piebald trait will receive a refund of the Sky Melon item since the trait is being completely removed.
- Additionally, the ‘heterochromia’ (different eye colors) part of the Split and Piebald trait is being removed. Split will only be about different areas of skin color, different eye colors will now be un-traited.
In the places of the previous Pigment Mutation traits, we are introducing several ‘new’ traits, some of which were previously locked in as features of other traits:
- Mela Mela Drupe, which previously made a Xero melanistic, will now give a Xero Dark Scleras, allowing the Xero’s scleras to be darker than the iris color. This will be in the Notable tier for rarity.
- Blanch Berry, which previously made a Xero leucistic, will now give the Xero the new combined Bright Pupils trait, allowing a Xero's pupils to be lighter than the iris. This will be in the Notable tier for rarity.
- Sky Melon, which previously made a Xero piebald, will now give a Xero Reverse Countershading, allowing the Xero’s underside to be darker than the surrounding fur. This will be in the Anomaly tier for rarity.
- Sweetsap Pod, which previously made a Xero albino, will now give a Xero No Countershading, allowing the Xero to bypass the countershading restrictions. This will be in the Anomaly tier for rarity.
these trait updates will go into effect on February 1st!
This update is going out a bit earlier to get everyone back into the flow of these changes! February 1st is also when our Questions and MYO Approvals will come back, so this allows a small buffer to not feel like all these changes are coming at once!