Site News

Autumn Equinox Giveaway!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie

Autumn Equinox Giveaway!
Join our Discord to enter!

Design by NeonSlushie !

Click for more info!

🍂 It’s the Autumn Equinox! Today in the northern hemisphere, we observe the change of seasons with a night & day of equal length before we shift into the cooler fall weather and long nights. 🍁
🍄 What better way to celebrate the shift of the seasons but with a new Free Raffle Xero?
🍂 This special giveaway is open for First Time Owners (those who have not yet owned a Xero)!
🍄 To enter, please join our Discord! There is a thread to enter in the Announcements channel. You must have a site account or be willing to make an account to enter! 
🍂 We will be rolling this Xero 24 hours from now, September 24th @ 3:00 PM EST!
🍄 Good luck everyone! Please tell your friends and spread the word!

Welcome To The Savannah!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Blair


A new subtype has been discovered!

New Savannah Subtype!

With the Summer Solstice coming to an end the Arc lab discovered a new Xero subtype and now shares their findings with everyone!


a warm welcome to the grassland-running savannah subtype!
Savannah Xeros are specially adapted to run fast in their native grasslands and protect themselves from the elements of that environment. Notable features include a mane to protect their backs from UV damage caused by the hot sun and Hooves that help them navigate the rocky hills and sweeping stretches of land. In addition, Savannah Xeros feature longer limbs to allow them to run faster and see over tall grass easier. 


The Savannah Subtype features 3 new subtype-specific traits!
Savannah Mane

Savannah Mane

A long fluffy mane that can cover part or all of a Xero’s back, or even go onto their tail! The primary purpose of the mane is to protect the Xero’s back from UV damage from the sun, since there is not a lot of shade on the open grasslands this trait evolved on. Plus, it also serves as a fashion statement.
Savannah Hooves

Savannah Hooves

An adaptation for moving swiftly on wide-open grasslands. These hooves are rounded, modified claws whose purpose is to protect the Xeros feet from rocks and difficult terrain while running. Since these hooves can see some extra wear and tear it is recommended to clean them out daily. 
Long Limbs

Long Limbs

This subspecies-exclusive trait allows a Savannah Xero to run faster than their non-savannah cousins and see over tall grass. While a Standard Xero would have stockier limbs that form rounded hands and paws, a Savannah Xero has longer skinnier limbs that taper near the ends to form a digitigrade look while they are standing up.

All three of these traits can be obtained by making a Savannah Xero with a Notable Xero Orb! If you wish to add these traits to your existing Xero please visit the Atelier to use the brand new Savannah Vial and Savannah Beaker!

Thank you all for supporting us for two amazing years, we simply cannot wait for the future and what is in store for this project, Happy Anniversary Project Xero! Here is to many more years to come!

Summer Solstice Giveaway!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie

Summer Solstice Giveaway!
Join our Discord to enter!

Design by NeonSlushie !

Click for more info!

☀️ Summer Solstice is here! It's the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and we love to celebrate these special days that only happen a few times a year!
🌊 What better way to celebrate the shift of the seasons but with a new Free Raffle Xero?
☀️ That’s right! This adorable Marine Xero is a free raffle open to ANYONE! If you want a chance to win this Xero, be sure to enter yourself into the raffle!
🌊 To enter, please join our Discord! We will have a raffle bot you can click to enter, easy as can be! You must have an account or be willing to make an account to enter! 
☀️ We will be rolling this Xero 24 hours from now, June 22nd @ 3:00 PM EST!
🌊 Good luck everyone! Please tell your friends and spread the word!

Expedition Redux!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie

It has been roughly a year since ARC's Expeditionary Service constructed respite points in the forests of Kiah and the seas of Tidix-c II.

There has been much growth since that time, and the ecosystem seems to be recovering well. We now have ample, consistent data of the biosphere, but there is always room for more! We would like to task you with a voyage to either the lush forest or to the vast sea, ensuring the ecosystem is on the right track.
For some of you, this may mean your second time exploring these areas, but we assure you that it may look rather different from the last time you were here! As for the new faces, we hope this opportunity allows you to receive your safety certification in a controlled way, so that you may accompany ARC's Expeditionary Service in the future on a planet that may be... less hospitable.

If you feel this task is to your interests, please fill out the proper paperwork and report to the ES HQ to be briefed on the specifics.

Expedition Redux!

Ensuring long term success in ARC's Expeditionary Services means preparing and enacting follow-up surveys to ensure that our efforts are maintaining a thriving environment.

In pursuit of this, we've scheduled newcomer-friendly review expeditions of ocean moon Tidix-c II and the jungles of Kiah! Public applications are opening alongside this announcement - please review the summaries below before you apply.

The Oceans of Tidix-c II
While Tidix-c is a dead planet, its ocean moon Tidix-c II has a thriving aquatic ecosystem. On our first expedition, we catalogued an incredible diversity of life!

Tidix-c has since seen the construction of a large mining facility and an orbital refueling station, and this expedition aims to record what impact (if any) those structures might have on the denizens of the moon. Their comfort comes first, so we're prepared to consider changes to the orbital station based on what we learn here.
The Jungles of Kiah
Kiah as a planet was absolutely ravaged by the Blight, with scarring visible even from outer orbit. Before the Blight's defeat, Kiah was on the verge of total ecological collapse; post-Blight Kiah is still a challenging environment to live in, and likely would have faced mass extinctions if not for our restoration efforts. The Kiah Restoration Project was established to restore Kiah to its former glory while studying and preserving the unique life found there - the evolutionary pressures created by the Blight have produced shockingly resilient forms of life that we have much to learn from.

While the restoration project has been successful in stabilizing the planet through proactive terraforming and autonomous monitoring, Kiah still needs help to become self-sufficient. That's where this expedition comes in! On Kiah, you will be on four-week rotations with a stationed team, helping to care for the local environment and reporting on the progress and challenges you encounter.

Now that you have some background for each expedition, please fill out an application if you wish to help - your local Ranger facility will take submissions! We here at ARC thank you for your overwhelming support and enthusiasm, and look forward to a brighter future together!


Limited Time Event Prompts

Fauna Field Study

In this prompt, you are tasked with depicting Project Xero's existing fauna in your own style! Will you draw them as a field guide study, sculpt a model of a creature in their environment, write a more "realistic" approach to the species, or something else entirely?

This prompt may include a broad spectrum of media. Consider the images and descriptions of the fauna currently in the Index, and put your own spin on them.

Participating in this prompt awards 1 Astatine, 1 Redux ORB, and 2 tickets to our Mega Raffle!
Join the ES Today!

Follow-Up Survey

In this prompt, draw or write about your Xero participating in an expedition to the jungles of Kiah or the waters of Tidix-c II.

How does your Xero interact with or observe the flora and fauna? What is your Xero's task in helping with the Expedition? How would they safely do so while preserving the natural ecosystem of these areas? Do they bring special tools to assist them with this task? Clothing or gear?

Participating in this prompt awards 1 Astatine, 10 Prestige, 1 Redux ORB, and 3 tickets to our Mega Raffle!

Adventure Awaits!


Expedition Volunteers - Research Note Exchange!

Attention ARC volunteer researchers!
First of all, thank you!  We’ve received so many applications that these expeditions are already looking like a great success before we’ve even reached the starting line.

As you conduct your surveys, some of you may find yourselves gathering redundant or particularly esoteric data from repeated observations of the same species.  Feedback from prior volunteer expeditions frequently includes concerns that these notes are less valuable.  On the contrary, niche observations are of particular interest to us at ARC, and we’d like to get our hands on that data sooner rather than later!

To that end, we’re introducing the Research Note Exchange:
Submit your extra data to the Exchange, and in return, we’ll provide baseline information on another species of interest.  The particular data you receive is up to you to choose from our database - perhaps you’ve been tracking Volans and would like to know where you might spot an Ascadon, or maybe you’re positively swimming in Boolew and are wondering what our jungle teams have learned about those Teropitas!
Our hope is that the Exchange will encourage and facilitate both breadth and depth of observations during your surveys.  Thank you again for expressing so much interest in this project; with all of your help, we’re sure these expeditions will both see spectacular success!


To summarize: if you went through all the effort of going on a second expedition only to study the same animal as last time, if desired, you can exchange your duplicate Research Notes  in the Exchange "Shop" to get a different creature!

1. First click on the duplicate Indexed animal from your inventory
2. Click the checkbox for the one you wish to exchange
3. Click "Sell Item" to exchange it for 1 Research Note.
4. Head to the Research Note Exchange & pick out a different animal to study!

Be careful when selling the items from your inventory and only sell those that you'd like to exchange for a different one; we cannot provide refunds if you change your mind and the Research Notes have no purpose outside of an easy system to trade in duplicates.

Important to note is that Research Notes or Indexed Animals cannot be traded between users; animals collected in the Index are meant to represent animals that your Xero has studied rather than animals that they actually posess. They are not pets or collectables and cannot be traded! Each account's Index is a log of the animals you have researched and this Index will come into play for future game elements on the site. The Research Note Exchange shop has been added to this event to help alleviate the concern of getting a duplicate of something that cannot be traded.

Finally, only common animals can be exchanged for Research Notes, the rare varieties and color mutations can only be studied in the wild!



Project Xero 2 Year Anniversary!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie

June 26th Is Project Xero's second anniversary!

We have grown a lot since then and we still have a long way to go! To thank you all for supporting us and sticking with us, this month is extra special! We have a few small things and a few big things planned; one of the bigger being another Gachapon Xero Sale to be sold on the anniversary date! Look forward to a few special designs made by our ARC Staff! In addition, releasing next week we will have some special limited time prompts to participate in! Please look forward to it this month and collect the special prizes that come with it!


We have been hard at work learning about where Xeros and others from Owai-6 like to habitate, and we have found a new area for you to explore and eventually forage from! Please welcome the lush grassland, Zae’ka! Learn more below!

Event Activity Summary!

🎊 It’s Project Xeros Second Anniversary on June 26th! Time flies! We have a few secrets planned that will be released later this month, stay tuned! 

🎲 Xingo is happening this month! For all those with the role, the first word goes up today in the Discord!

🎫 In celebration of our anniversary we are holding a Mega Raffle! You can earn tickets by participating in Xingo or some special prompts, prizes are detailed in the newsletter!

🧪 We have TWO new glitch traits available to be added to Xeros! Breathe underwater with Gills or embrace your snail side with Eye Stalks!

🎨 Don't forget our Monthly Prompts! As a reminder they now end on the 26th of each month!

Click for all the details!

New Location!

Zae'Ka Steppes
Once the accessorial homeland of the Korso, the Zae'Ka Steppes remain a lush and fertile ecosystem, a testament to their respect for their environment. Across the rolling hills and lush treebelts, the Zae'Ka region supports some of the greatest biodiversity of large animal species on all of Owai-6!

An amazing variety of fruits and other plants are produced across the temperate grassland farms of Zae'Ka. This diversity of edibles naturally leads to a diversity of cuisine, luring cultivators from all across AREZ to sample the famous Korso fruit pies! Alongside agricultural pursuits, the open plains have long been utilized as an effective, sustainable energy source via large wind farms and cultivation of numerous ethical biofuels.
Stay tuned - Zae'ka will eventually become a new foraging location and will continue to be fleshed out as we develop the world of Owai-6 and the Korso people further!


New Glitch Traits!

With ARC's release of two new Prototype Xeros, these unnatural traits are now availble to be added to any Glitched Xero!

We have been in contact with the Curator and they have informed us that these new traits are now available to be added to any Xero who wishes to brave them; eye stalks and gills!

Eye stalks are classified as two protrusions from the head of a Xero that have a cone-like base and two round eyes on top. These stalk eyes are simple ocelli and are primarily used to detect light, dark, and movement all around the Xero, rather than complex shapes or colors. Sneaking up on a Xero with this trait would be very difficult!

Gills are respiratory organs that are located on the neck or rib area and allow the Xero to breathe underwater. A Xero with this trait has both a set of gills and a set of lungs and can “turn off” function for one or the other depending on their body state. Gill-having Xeros who spend a lot of time outside of the water are recommended to find ways to rehydrate often to avoid drying out the area.

These traits can be added to a Glitched Xero by using a Glitch Vial!


Games & Prizes

To celebrate our anniversary, we have some pretty spectacular prizes available this month; you don't want to miss out on this!



Join us in our Discord for our second Bingo Xingo - a Xero-themed Bingo game that lasts all month! Every day new words are called and when you get 5 in a row, you get a prize! Prizes include Prestige, Astatine, fruit of choice, and tickets to the Mega Raffle!


The Anniversary Mega Raffle will run the entire month! There will be 20 winners with 20 different prizes! Raffle tickets can be earned by participating in the Event Prompts and getting Xingos in our Discord!

Anniversary Mega Raffle

Note: The MYO prizes will be given as already-opened slots with a sale value of $0.




New Team Members!

With Xeros growing and changing rapidly, we sometimes pick up new help in order to reduce wait times and have an extra hand on new ideas and website coding! Please give a warm welcome to two new members of the ARC Staff team; Drac0rex and Kirill ! They will be focusing on things like behind-the-scenes coding, newsletters, site pages, as well as general help in the Discord!


Monthly Prompts

Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!



06 2023 XOTM: toonaniac's  X-641!

What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
Learn more about XOTM

ARC Survey: 013

Have you ever tried to grow and care for your own plant or garden? Tell us about it! Did you enjoy it, what you found particularly easy or challenging, why you picked the plants that you did… anything you’d like to share about your experiences in plant parenting!

Participate in ARC's Survey

05 2023 Updates!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Blair


Welcome to the fifth month of the year!
With May headed our way, that means that Spring is in full swing! The changing weather means a few seasonal changes for Project Xero, including seasonal fruits and a small break for the staff during a part of this month for a convention visit! 
Boolew Palooza is almost over!
Make sure to get yours submitted before the event's end!

Monthly Activity Summary!

Our Boolew Palooza event is ending soon! Make sure to get your designs submitted to the queue by 12 AM EST May 7th! Any items or slots not used by the event end will disappear.

Spring seasonal fruits are back, grab some in the Greenhouse!

ARC Staff vacation! Questions, design approvals, and updates will be put on pause as most of the staff team attends FWA 2023

Don't forget our Monthly Prompts! They'll end on the 26th of the month!

Click for all the details!

ARC Staff Vacation!

Thank you all for your continued support and passion for our little project!

A majority of our active mods are attending FWA 2023! This convention runs from May 11th-14th and will have our staff busy with vending and general con busyness! As such, we are taking a short break from May 10th-May 15th with us returning on the 16th!

No Questions, Approvals, or Updates will come from our end until our break is over! If there are any immediate emergencies, please contact Blair!!!#9913 on Discord directly. 
We will also be hosting a Meetup during the convention! There will be a live bingo for treats, pictures taken, a sketchbook to draw in, and a free sticker so please stop by if you want to meet a few community members in person! Bring your suits and any physical Xero items you got!
We will post a bit more info in our Discord on where and when the meetup is happening closer to the convention, thank you all!

Returning seasonal fruits!

Spring fruits are here for a limited time! Be sure to grab them by the end of the month!

The Virgule Mushroom allows a Xero to have horizontal pupils instead of the standard round or oval ones. This strange adaptation gives the Xero a wider field of view, making them very hard to sneak up on.


The Spice Plum allows a Xero to have a Plume Tail; these tails are very flat and wide and can be smooth like a beaver's tail or long and fluffy like a skunk or squirrel's tail.

These fruits can be purchased for a limited time in the Greenhouse!

Oceana Charity Fundraiser Results!

Thank you all for participating in our latest Donation Event! As you all know the charity that we decided to back is Oceana!
In total, we raised... 553.80 USD! Thats amazing!
This will go towards helping out the Oceans and the living things that reside inside of them! We are blown away! Look forward to the next donation event so we can continue to help out people and places in need!


boolew palooza submission deadline extended!

Our crazy Boolew Palooza is coming to a close rather soon! We have loved seeing the different eggs hatched and the types of companions you have all made!
We came to the conclusion that you all may need a bit more time to get your Boolew designed just right and as such, we are extending the deadline to submit your finished Boolew by the end of the day May 6th! All Boolew MYOs submitted and in the queue by 12 AM EST on May 7th will be approved like normal!

If your egg is in your inventory or made into an MYO slot and it is NOT submitted by that timeframe, it will be deleted the following day manually, be careful!

IMPORTANT: The prompt deadline to GET a Boolew egg will stay the same! Please submit to receive your egg by 12 AM EST on May 4th!
On May 7th we will be cleaning up the unused MYO slots, approving last-minute Boolew, and rolling for the FREE Raffle of Mod Designed Boolew! 

For all info on how to receive an egg, design it, and submit it, head HERE, Happy designing!


Monthly Prompts

Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!



05 2023 XOTM: Lapis01's  X-598!

What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
Learn more about XOTM

ARC Survey: 012

What do you prefer for your personal sleeping habits? While the young Xeros staying in our dorms can provide a bit of insight into the sleeping needs of Xeros, our knowledge about adult Xero sleeping habits is... virtually non-existent.

Participate in ARC's Survey

Earth Day Giveaway & Donation Drive!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie

Earth Day Free Xero Giveaway!
Join our Discord to enter!

Design by crypticfishing !

We are also doing a Donation Drive! Donate to charity and get some in-game items & currency!

Click for more info!

🌎 Happy Earth Day! Even though Alurizan lore doesn’t take place on our version of Earth, we here at Project Xero have a strong focus and passion for our environment, conservation, and sustainability from our little space on the Internet!
💰 We are also big on putting our money where our mouth is and doing Donation Drives for exclusive/rare items for various causes! This year is no different! We are running a week long drive for our Charity for this Earth Day: Oceana!
🌎 Oceana seeks to make the oceans on Earth more biodiverse and abundant by winning policy victories in the countries that govern much of the world’s marine life! This comes in the form of protecting marine habitats in all its shapes and forms, as well as working to build up sufficient fish populations to help with world hunger!
✨ Learn more below! ✨ 

💰 To participate in this donation drive, follow the instructions in the prompt below! Every 10USD you donate (Up to 30USD) can get you one of our special donation items! This time, Tato Fruit joins the party!
Click for More Information!
This donation drive will end April 30 @ 11:59 pm EST, so make sure to get your donations in before then! We'll announce the total amount after the drive is over!  🎉


🌳 One of our lovely Lab Assistants crypticfishing has made you all a Free Raffle Xero for this special day!
🐛 This wonderful glitched Xero just screams earthly goodness, and they want to come home with YOU to share that passion! 
🌳 To enter for this Xero, check out the Raffle in our Discord! This giveaway won’t be for the entire week but will last until April 23 @ 3:00 PM EST✨ This Xero is open for Everyone to join!

Thank you all for celebrating with us, and have a wonderful Earth Day! 🌎 ✨

Boolew Palooza!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie


Art by ParadoxxPalms


🎉 New month-long MYO Event!  🎉

For many moons Alurizans have been fascinated by the sea-faring slug known as the Boolew. These slow moving suckers capture the hearts of all of those involved with our little project for a long time!
And now, with the help of ARC labs, we are happy to announce Boolew Palooza, a month dedicated to our favourite sea slugs by allowing you to design and keep a Boolew of your very own! Click below to learn all the details!

Don't forget our Monthly Prompts! They'll end on the 26th of the month!

Click for all the details!


“Hello everyone!
While the Tidix station has been up and running for some time now, thanks in no small part to your efforts, some of the analysts have been going over the survey data and have some interesting conclusions to share! The plurepod specimens you retrieved from Tidix c II, Boolews I believe the field name was; well, it appears that despite the incredible amount of variety they display in colors and traits, they are all genetically one species! Much like you Xeros, Boolews have a lot of inherent biological flexibility! It's not surprising they became such a beloved part of Tidix's incredible native fauna.
...And a beloved part of the ARC labs! We're uh, actually drowning in eggs here. Turns out these little worms breed very easily in captivity and lay a lot of eggs, too. We had assumed they were different species based on their varied appearances and had a whole tank full of them. Now we have more eggs than we know what to do with!
I spoke with V-10, the head of the Boolew research team, and they proposed that Xeros could be the best candidate to help with cataloging and caring for the Boolews that hatch! Your XNA biology makes you virtually immune to most zoonotic infections, and many of you have displayed a wonderful sense of responsibility, curiosity, and compassion for the natural world around you.
Wonderful caretaking aside, Boolews themselves are also a perfect candidate for a companion creature! Their slow, easygoing nature, simple dietary, enrichment, and environmental needs, and tiny size mean they can be housed in captivity with absolute ease, with no harm to their welfare. The ethics board met on it, and I'm happy to announce that the Boolew has been given all the required approvals to be assigned a companion-level organism! Now, that doesn’t mean that you can instantly run out and grab one all higgly-piggly; remember the prospective foster still has to be certified as well, but how exciting!! I'm sure V-10 will be sending out more official information soon!"



🎉 New month-long MYO Event!  🎉

Boolews are an original companion species by NeonSlushie & ScrapTeeth
Our Boolew Palooza event allows members new and old to get a free boolew MYO to design however they want!



How to Join

To join Boolew Palooza and receive your free boolew egg, follow the instructions and submit this prompt here!
  • You do not need to own a Xero to participate in this event!
  • Your free boolew egg cannot be traded or sold to another user, but you're welcome to trade your finished boolew if you wish.
  • Any boolew eggs not used by the end of the event will disappear! Make sure to get your boolews submitted before the end of the event.
  • Do NOT create multiple accounts to gain extra entries. The use of 'sock puppet accounts' to gain extra prizes on Project Xero is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.

⭐️ More information can be found on our event hub page! ⭐️


Monthly Prompts

Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!



04 2023 XOTM: savijo's  X-414!

What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
Learn more about XOTM

ARC Survey: 011

I guess I don't really have a question, but a request: We here at ARC would love to receive your photos, stories, and whatever other reports you have about your new Boolew. I could say it's part of the ongoing conservation effort, but to be completely honest... they're just so cute! We wanna see what those little guys are up to!
Participate in ARC's Survey

500 Member Discord Giveaway!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie

Join our Discord to enter!

✨ We are celebrating with a 500 Discord Members Raffle! ✨
:arrow_pink: What are the prizes?
We will have TEN prizes in total:

  5 Basic Xero MYO ORBs - Make your own Xero!
   3 Subspecies Trait Vials of the winners' choosing 
  And the last 2 winners will get 5 Astatine each!
:arrow_blue: Who can enter?

Anyone verified in our Discord, past or future can enter! Tell your friends, tell your enemies, feel free to pop in and enter!

Since the raffle bot rolls a string of names, the first 5 will get a MYO Orb, next 3 will get their choice of vial, and the last 2 will get the AST!

This raffle will end 3 days from now March 26 @ 6:00 PM EST, join our Discord to enter!

🎉 GOOD LUCK EVERYONE AND THANKs for being a Discord member! 🎉


Spring Equinox Giveaway

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie

FTO Spring Equinox Giveaway!
Join our Discord to enter!

Design by NeonSlushie !

Click for more info!

🌱 Spring Equinox is here! The days are finally getting longer, sunshine is returning, and soon new plants will begin to poke through the melting snow...
🌷 What better way to celebrate the shift of the seasons but with a new Free Raffle Xero?
🌱 That’s right! This adorable Jungle Xero is a raffle for FIRST TIME OWNERS! Meaning those who have never owned a Xero before! What a way to wander into our community!
🌷 To enter, please join our Discord and add your username to our Thread in #Announcements! We will be adding you all to a raffle bot on the site! 
🌱 We will be rolling this Xero 24 hours from now, March 21st @ 3:00 PM EST!
🌷 Good luck all first time owners, and to our Xero Owners, please tell your friends and spread the word!