Site News
Earth Day Giveaway & Donation Drive!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushieEarth Day Free Xero Giveaway!
Join our Discord to enter!
Design by crypticfishing !
We are also doing a Donation Drive! Donate to charity and get some in-game items & currency!
Click for more info!
✨ Learn more below! ✨
💰 To participate in this donation drive, follow the instructions in the prompt below! Every 10USD you donate (Up to 30USD) can get you one of our special donation items! This time, Tato Fruit joins the party!
✨ Click for More Information! ✨
🌳 One of our lovely Lab Assistants crypticfishing has made you all a Free Raffle Xero for this special day!
Boolew Palooza!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushie🎉 New month-long MYO Event! 🎉
For many moons Alurizans have been fascinated by the sea-faring slug known as the Boolew. These slow moving suckers capture the hearts of all of those involved with our little project for a long time!
And now, with the help of ARC labs, we are happy to announce Boolew Palooza, a month dedicated to our favourite sea slugs by allowing you to design and keep a Boolew of your very own! Click below to learn all the details!
Don't forget our Monthly Prompts! They'll end on the 26th of the month!
Click for all the details!
“Hello everyone!
While the Tidix station has been up and running for some time now, thanks in no small part to your efforts, some of the analysts have been going over the survey data and have some interesting conclusions to share! The plurepod specimens you retrieved from Tidix c II, Boolews I believe the field name was; well, it appears that despite the incredible amount of variety they display in colors and traits, they are all genetically one species! Much like you Xeros, Boolews have a lot of inherent biological flexibility! It's not surprising they became such a beloved part of Tidix's incredible native fauna.
...And a beloved part of the ARC labs! We're uh, actually drowning in eggs here. Turns out these little worms breed very easily in captivity and lay a lot of eggs, too. We had assumed they were different species based on their varied appearances and had a whole tank full of them. Now we have more eggs than we know what to do with!
I spoke with V-10, the head of the Boolew research team, and they proposed that Xeros could be the best candidate to help with cataloging and caring for the Boolews that hatch! Your XNA biology makes you virtually immune to most zoonotic infections, and many of you have displayed a wonderful sense of responsibility, curiosity, and compassion for the natural world around you.
Wonderful caretaking aside, Boolews themselves are also a perfect candidate for a companion creature! Their slow, easygoing nature, simple dietary, enrichment, and environmental needs, and tiny size mean they can be housed in captivity with absolute ease, with no harm to their welfare. The ethics board met on it, and I'm happy to announce that the Boolew has been given all the required approvals to be assigned a companion-level organism! Now, that doesn’t mean that you can instantly run out and grab one all higgly-piggly; remember the prospective foster still has to be certified as well, but how exciting!! I'm sure V-10 will be sending out more official information soon!"
🎉 New month-long MYO Event! 🎉
Boolews are an original companion species by NeonSlushie & ScrapTeeth
Our Boolew Palooza event allows members new and old to get a free boolew MYO to design however they want!
How to Join
To join Boolew Palooza and receive your free boolew egg, follow the instructions and submit this prompt here!
- You do not need to own a Xero to participate in this event!
- Your free boolew egg cannot be traded or sold to another user, but you're welcome to trade your finished boolew if you wish.
- Any boolew eggs not used by the end of the event will disappear! Make sure to get your boolews submitted before the end of the event.
- Do NOT create multiple accounts to gain extra entries. The use of 'sock puppet accounts' to gain extra prizes on Project Xero is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.
⭐️ More information can be found on our event hub page! ⭐️
Monthly Prompts
Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!
04 2023 XOTM: savijo's X-414!
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 011
I guess I don't really have a question, but a request: We here at ARC would love to receive your photos, stories, and whatever other reports you have about your new Boolew. I could say it's part of the ongoing conservation effort, but to be completely honest... they're just so cute! We wanna see what those little guys are up to!
500 Member Discord Giveaway!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushieJoin our Discord to enter!
✨ We are celebrating with a 500 Discord Members Raffle! ✨
What are the prizes?
We will have TEN prizes in total:
5 Basic Xero MYO ORBs - Make your own Xero!
3 Subspecies Trait Vials of the winners' choosing
And the last 2 winners will get 5 Astatine each!
Who can enter?
Anyone verified in our Discord, past or future can enter! Tell your friends, tell your enemies, feel free to pop in and enter!
Since the raffle bot rolls a string of names, the first 5 will get a MYO Orb, next 3 will get their choice of vial, and the last 2 will get the AST!
This raffle will end 3 days from now Discord to enter!
🎉 GOOD LUCK EVERYONE AND THANKs for being a Discord member! 🎉
Spring Equinox Giveaway
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by NeonSlushieFTO Spring Equinox Giveaway!
Join our Discord to enter!
Design by NeonSlushie !
Click for more info!
🌱 Spring Equinox is here! The days are finally getting longer, sunshine is returning, and soon new plants will begin to poke through the melting snow...
🌷 What better way to celebrate the shift of the seasons but with a new Free Raffle Xero? ✨
🌱 That’s right! This adorable Jungle Xero is a raffle for FIRST TIME OWNERS! Meaning those who have never owned a Xero before! What a way to wander into our community!
🌷 To enter, please join our Discord and add your username to our Thread in #Announcements! We will be adding you all to a raffle bot on the site!
🌱 We will be rolling this Xero 24 hours from now, March 21st @ 3:00 PM EST!
🌷 Good luck all first time owners, and to our Xero Owners, please tell your friends and spread the word!
03 2023 Updates!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushieWelcome to the third month of the year!
We've got some small updates to share in this newsletter. Keep an eye out for a giveaway and more later this month!
New Xeros and another seasonal giveaway coming soon!
Monthly Activity Summary!
The winner of last month's Draw to Enter has been rolled! Read below to find out who won the adorable X-546!
We are introducing two new traits, grab some for free in the Greenhouse! Keep reading for more information!
We have some minor updates about the MYO/Redesign process and a TOS update regarding censored/triggering Xero designs.
Don't forget our Monthly Prompts! They'll end on the 26th of the month!
Click for all the details!
"New" Traits!
Expanding tail mutation variety! Stack traits for more customization!

The Bearded Cap allows a Xero to have a Canis Tail! These tails are fluffy and tapered with a pointed tip. They can range from scruffy dog-like tails to long poofy fox tails.
The Affocato allows a Xero to have a Felis Tail; a long noodle-shaped tail! These round-tipped tails aren't tapered and are roughly the same width all the way around.
You may recognize these mushrooms from our 2022 Twilight Carnival! Since these mushrooms were originally found by foraging, we've decided to keep these trait items exclusive to it as our first forage-only trait! Thanks to our Carnival event, there are over 200 of each item in circulation currently, so trade with other members or forage for your own if you need one!
Worried about being able to get one for your next Xero design? You can grab one of each for free in the Greenhouse!
All existing Xeros that have these traits will have them applied, no item necessary! Any pending MYOs or redesigns using these traits at the time of this post will also not require the item.
Monthly Prompts
Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!
03 2023 XOTM: victobious's X-219
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 010
From a favorite stone, a treasured piece of jewelry, or even a particular knock you feel you must use on someone's door, we all still carry our 'good luck' charms, as it were. So, Xeros, I'm excited to see what sorts of items bring you comfort, especially because with that pouch who KNOWS what it could be?
Update Regarding MYO / Redesign Approval
Just a very minor update, but one worth mentioning!
We are slowly continuing to update all of our trait information to be clearer and easier to understand for all of our members and staff. We thank you for your patience, this process will take a while to complete!
Going forward, we are going to be taking more time and care with every single MYO and Redesign submitted on the site. This is to ensure that every design on the Masterlist follows trait and species rules to prevent issues and conflicts further down the line.
Since every MYO/Redesign will need to be looked over by the Staff team rather than just one person, please allow a bit of extra time for any approvals to go through on the website or our Discord's #myo-redesign-help channel! We anticipate most designs will be processed within 3 days of submission.
Update to Rules Regarding Censored Xeros
Hello Alurizan citizens! Thank you for your patience. After reviewing your feedback and discussing with the ARC Staff team we’ve come to a decision regarding the eligibility of characters censored on the Masterlist to participate in Xero of the Month.
As a team we have decided characters that have a censored Masterlist entry will NOT be allowed to be featured as Xero of the Month.
- Users who own multiple Xeros will be encouraged to choose another character to be featured as XOTM if they are rolled.
- If a user only owns one Xero which is censored on the ML, they will be removed from the XOTM raffle and given the consolation prize along with the non-owners & FTOs who participate in the event.
Xero of the Month is an official staff-sponsored event which involves adding custom graphics featuring the Xero on our front page, activity page, and social media as well as a large influx of art in both our on-site Gallery and our Discord. Because of this, we must stick by our game's overall PG, friendly cartoon feel and keep official content appropriate for all.
We understand this decision may be met with disappointment from some of our users. We sincerely feel that this is the best course of action since we do not have a better way of allowing users to curate their Project Xero experience. Fairness is important to us, but even more important is keeping our members safe. We do not wish to promote or endorse content that could be harmful to others, even unintentionally.
Users may still use their MYO slots or custom commissions with staff to make a "censored" Xero. When future Xeros are submitted to the ML that require a censor, the user will be notified to agree to the above terms or change aspects of the Xero in order to have it added to the site.
Censored Xeros are not barred from any other activities or events at this time and may still be used for any of the owner's prompts, drawn for Galactic Gift, and shared in the Gallery or Discord, so long as any images are spoilered and proper warning tags are applied.
We take triggers very seriously in this community, and despite our best efforts there were some comments that could be construed as minimizing another user's fears or comfort level. While we value each and every user's feedback, we ask that you retroactively be mindful of the language you use during sensitive discussions and formulate your thoughts in a way that does not make users feel embarrassed or ashamed of the discomforts they have. Going forward we will be utilizing our Anonymous Feedback Form instead for discussions like this.
❌ Content that is not allowed:
Offensive content, sexual content, excessive blood or violence, guts/gore, excessive body horror
⚠️ Content that will require a censor:
Light body horror such as extra eyes, "Candy Gore" (art of characters filled with objects, candy, stars, goo, etc. NOT organs/guts), medium amounts of blood (such as a fresh injury), design decisions that induce trypophobia (many small spots/holes clustered together), eye strain (triggers migraines)
✅ Content that doesn't require a censor:
Scars, healed injuries, prosthetic limbs, small amounts of blood (nosebleed, scratch, blood stain), most depictions of bones/skulls, most Xeros featuring venomous trait or bioluminescence trait.
All designs will be discussed by staff and judged on a case-by-case basis. These guidelines may change in the future if needed.
02 2023 Updates!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushieMonthly Activity Summary!
We have a new Draw To Enter up! Draw or write about X-546 to be entered into a raffle to own them for yourself!
Foraging just got a major update! Check below for more information!
Don't forget our Monthly Prompts! We have a few small updates regarding the deadline of these prompts, so be sure to read below!
Click for all the details!
We'd like to introduce X-546: Amore!
They are a peppy Tundra Xero who has made their home on the beautiful beachfront of Torini. Amore owns a paper and stationary supply shop for Xeros to send traditional letters to each other. With technological advancements an e-mail is simply a click away, but Amore feels that even in a tech-forward society there is something special and sentimental about a physical letter!
Amore adores conversation, and could talk at length about any topic. While being exceedingly chatty, they are still a great listener and adore any chitchat a friend has to share with them. While not out with friends or tending to their shop, Amore is a hopeless romantic, losing themselves in books and movies that pull at their heartstrings.
(Amore uses he/she/they pronouns interchangeably, and is referred to by all three!)
The Winner of the DTE may change the name, pronouns, personality, etc. of this Xero!
Masterlist Link ★ Toyhouse Link
What is a DTE (Draw To Enter)? Our DTE is a raffle-based event, in which you enter by creating a piece. Draw, write, or create mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a fabulous prizes and a chance at owning this Xero yourself!
Click HERE for more information about this DTE!
Foraging Update!
Introducing new Foraging locations!
Alurizans will be delighted to learn that three new permanent foraging locations have been added! Each location has several unique drops, though there are a few items that can be found at all three locations, such as comet clusters. Foraging stamina has been increased as well; now users can forage 3 times per day! Over 20 new items are being added, many of which are rock & mineral themed.
What will these new items be used for? Stay tuned to find out; if you are interested in the game-aspects of Project Xero you might want to hold on to your items! Put your expanded stamina to use and see what you can find!
The Crater
The Crater is a new location for users to forage at. This is a rotating location, meaning that it will only be available to forage at for a few days before all the loot is picked through and exhausted. A new crater will appear at least once a month at random times! The crater only drops comet clusters, which are now available in a few different sizes with wish shard contents to scale.
This is a guaranteed way for users to get a good amount of wish shards per month, since the crater will be available for a few days before it disappears. Get those forages in and get some comet clusters!
Monthly Prompts
Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!
This month, we have a small update regarding the deadlines for these monthly prompts. From now on, XOTM & ARC Survey will end on the 26th of each month, rather than the very last day. This allows the same amount of time to complete the prompts every month, regardless of how many days that month has. It also gives us Staff a much-needed breather at the end of the month to get these prompts updated and the monthly newsletter made without rushing! This update only effects XOTM & ARC Survey, all other prompts are unaffected by this change. Thank you for understanding!
02 2023 XOTM: LuciusDerg's X-433!
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 009
The emotional and social behaviors of Xeros are a complex topic that we have only begun to scratch the surface of, so we would love to learn more about it. How do you express your feelings towards those who are important to you? Perhaps you write them something—a poem, a heartfelt letter? However you do it, please provide us with some honest and expressive writing!
2023 Updates!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushieHAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎉✨
Thank you everyone for your patience during the holidays! We are back in business to deliver you all a solid 2023 over here in Project Xero!
Let’s get to the announcements, starting with our DTE winner and the monthly prompts!
Click for all the details!
We want to thank you all for participating in our very first Draw To Enter! It was incredibly fun, and we will definitely do more in the future! How sweet of all the owners to donate your amazing art to a First Time Owner!
Our winner of the DTE was... FluffyRaven ! They are given X-133: RUDY for free, as well as 70 pieces of art and 2 stories! What an amazing start for a FTO!
If you wish to look over all the art, please check out their Toyhouse page or our Gallery!
Monthly Prompts
Thank you all for giving Aristotle some love and getting him out of his shell last month; our next XOTM is… Snugleaf 's Tapioca! (They/She)
Our next ARC Survey is up as well, be sure to check it out, as it includes a bit of lore about one of the other species found in AREZ!
11 2022 XOTM: Snugleaf 's X-384
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 008
What do Xeros do to celebrate the day they were created, often known as the day of life, life day, hatch day… you see the trend; life tends to celebrate the great triumph of continuing to fight off entropy, to mark an anniversary of still being here. From the Korso's harvest day to that one thing those frog people do that we don’t talk about… It's in our nature to celebrate such things. How do you Xeros celebrate?
Wish Shards
Finally, have you all been collecting Wish Shards?
They've been appearing all over Owai-6 after the Meteor Shower that occurs during the Longest Night. We don’t know how many have dropped but they hold a very interesting property…
Here is a report from one of our premier ARC scientists on the properties of these shards:
The Twilight Shower has been studied rather thoroughly so we did not think there were many, if any, surprises left to find. The crystals are not so much a surprise, we have chemically detected them many times but until now, no physical studies have been conducted, and there is where it gets interesting. Testing reveals that this copper-oxalate compound has a very peculiar lattice structure enabling a strong antiferromagnetic effect on its long range ordering. This effect is not unique to just these crystals, but the accessibility of them will enable the scale production of high-temperature superconducting materials that may advance our computing efficiency exponentially. In short, this discovery marks what may be the most important step to a leap in material science and computing; their value to scientific research cannot be overstated.
Dr. Koobal
Physics Chair
Oasis University of Applied Sciences
ARC Lab is asking all of those willing to participate in furthering scientific research to please donate your shards to the lab for further testing and speed up our current technologies! What that means for all of you is: Collect 1000 Wish Shards to trade in for a MYO Slot!
This will replace the second 300 Prestige MYO slot, more details on this change below! ARC also understands that collecting so many shards is not easy to come by, and as such, they will be giving you an extra reward from the ARC Lab as a “thank you!” for furthering scientific development!
Wish Shards in their purest form are unable to be traded unlike other currencies, however, Comet Clusters, the larger rocks filled with veins of Wish Shards, have been found to be tradable! Some can give more shards than others, however! So get hunting! And who knows? Maybe they will have more purposes as ARC learns more about them! Only one way to find out!
Wish shards and Comet Clusters can currently only be found by Foraging! Get those hands dirty!
Changes to Standard MYO Orbs
Since Project Xero's launch in 2021, free Xeros and Standard MYO orbs have had a base value of $50. Going forward, Xeros or MYO Orbs earned with Prestige/in-game currency or free raffles will have a base value of $0, since no money was paid for them.
- All paid MYO slots will continue to have the value they are paid for.
- The ability to add on commissioned work for monetary value will stay the same, regardless of the Xero's starting base value.
- Users are still able to resell their Xeros using our X1.8 modifier rule, if desired.
Basic Xero Orbs can be earned a few ways:

Minors and Sales
It has always been our rule that any users under 18 are prohibited from the Official Project Xero Discord and this is not changing. However, changes to on-site sales are occurring for users under the age of 18. Going forward after January 1st, 2023, minors are unable to participate in paid sales, regardless of users offering to pay for them. It brings unnecessary complexity into these monetary transactions. Minors on-site are still able to enter free raffles, DTE, and any on-site events that do not require payments. Until users are legally able to have a Paypal account in their name, they must wait to participate in sales.
Funneling and Multi Accounting
As per our TOS and code of conduct, multi-accounting is strictly prohibited. However, this also includes having a sibling/partner/friend/family member farm foraging items or rewards with no intention of playing the game themselves.
Scenario Example #1: User A has a sibling, User B. Both users A and B play Project Xero together on the same IP address, and as such have alerted a mod. Over time, User B decides they would no longer like to participate in the species, and give their inventory and Prestige to User A. They may decide to return someday, but don't want User A to return their items. This is within our TOS and completely allowed.
Scenario Example #2: User A has a sibling, User B. Both users A and B play Project Xero together on the same IP address, and as such have alerted a mod. Over time, User B decides they would no longer like to participate in the species. To help out User A, User B continues to log in daily to Forage and send their foraged items to User A. They also occasionally enter raffles to give User A another chance to win, with intent to gift the Xero they may win to User A. This is against our TOS and both user's accounts will be banned.
Code of Conduct
We would also like to brush everyone up on our TOS and code of conduct! We have a few "general" chats: #general, #off-topic, and #afterdark. Users are free to chat about what they'd like here within reason. However, we must nudge the reminder that delving into personal topics at length is against our rules.
We do not want users to feel that they cannot speak up, but delving into deeply personal subjects in our public chats may make some users feel trapped or uncomfortable. Every user's situation is individual and different, but bringing up heavy topics may trigger anxiety and stress in someone else. As such, we encourage you to reach out to friends in private and keep upsetting personal discussion out of the server.
Selling discarded myo designs
Initially, we were unsure how to go about this and we attempted a trial run. At first it seemed that a user selling a scrapped MYO design would be funtionally the same as the user designing someone's MYO on commission. After further reflection, we have determined this not to be the case, as a user could, for example, make 10 "scrapped MYO ideas" they did not plan to use with the intention of selling them to other users.
At this time, we have determined that users are unable to sell their scrapped MYO designs to others. This is to discourage users from generating, essentially, "unofficial" Xeros to sell for other users to purchase for an MYO. If you would like to design an MYO for another user, we instead encourage you to post a design ad in our advertisement channel instead. As always, any user is able to design a MYO as long as the commissioner has a MYO orb to use!
Trades and Sales
Prestige, Astatine, and all in-game items (with the exception of paid MYO slots) do not have a real world monetary equivalent and there is no set conversion rate between currencies. We will not be introducing a set conversion rate at this time because our economy is still developing and changing. We would prefer users discuss trades amongst themselves and come to their own agreements for what constitutes a fair trade. Users should not try to tell others how much on-site currency or items are "worth" in order to discourage them from making a trade.
Scenario Example #1: User A posts an advertisement wanting to trade thier Xero for a MYO, but is considering a USD resale for first time owners only. User B contacts them and asks if they can be pinged on Discord if User A wants to sell their Xero. This is allowed under our TOS and rules.
Scenario Example #2: User A posts an advertisement wanting to trade their Xero for a MYO. User B contacts them and offers a resale if they do not receive any MYO Orb offers. This is against our TOS and rules; User B may receive a warning or strike.
We want to ensure that everything is balanced, and that comes with needing to make changes or clarifications as we grow as a community. We hope every user understands why these changes and updates need to be made!

Strange Meteorites...
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushie
This is La’Bri reporting from Oasis;
We are reaching the tail end of the annual Longest Night meteor shower. Besides the brilliant light show, with a bit of luck, finding your own meteorite has long been tradition for those with an adventurous spirit. However, several citizens have reported finding peculiar crystal formations in some of the impact sites. The material has been cleared as safe-to-handle by ARC field staff, but that’s all we have for you now. This has been your Oasis Update.
12 Days of Xeros!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushieFeaturing designs from peanchiee, JollyMutt, pexl, grannypix, GreenEeveeSoup, Earth, woufe, MakiNirudi, yatomori, NeonSlushie, paradoxxpalms, & MicMac03!
It’s the season of giving and also the season of Guest Artists! We’ve collected a big group of guest artists and permanent artists to design you all some chilling and cool designs to be posted over the next 12 Days, from December 12th to 23rd! 🎄
Click for More Info!
The 12 Days Of Xeros is upon us! Which means, every day starting TOMORROW, there will be a new Xero design posted either for sale or for free until Dec 23rd! Every one of these will be done via a raffle here on the site, which gives everyone an equal chance to go after a Xero they love! Get into the groove with us each day anticipating which Xero will pop out next!
A new Xero will be revealed each day at 8:00 AM PST / Sale Tab, so be sure to check it out!
EST every day and every raffle will be open until 8:00 PM PST / ! That gives you 12 hours to enter each day! Each design will be posted on our Aaaand… wink wink nudge nudge if you want to see each design a day early, consider joining our Project Xero Kofi! If you are Unusual Orb
or up, you get previews of each design a day early! And also this month, one of the designs will be Kofi Exclusive for Notable Orb
members! Wow!
We’ll see you all tomorrow bright an early for our first design!!!!
12 2022 Updates!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushieThe Alurizan Republic is a testament to the power of cooperation, mutual aid, and reason. By leveraging the skills of an accepting community it seems almost nothing is impossible. The guiding ethos of Alurizan culture, the Root Logic, started simply as a strateg to resist annihilation, and developed into a shared realization amongst the founding species that their former squabbles amounted to nothing compared to a true existential threat.
The Longest Night Celebration focuses on the time of the Harbor's winter solstice, as the Harbor is the center of the Republic. At this point, the name of the holiday is largely symbolic: as soon as we begin to discuss issues that span across multiple planets, the particular climate of one given planet becomes irrelevant. While there are nearly endless variations of the holiday across the diverse cultures of AREZ, there are some unifying tenets among them.
The Longest Night is a celebration of perseverance, community, and gratitude. It says: you have passed through the darkest times, you have survived the worst together, your future will only be brighter—just as Aluriza rose from near-destruction to its safety and security today.
There are a few staple traditions that any Alurizan cannot go without during the holiday, with first among them being the bonfires.
In the early days of Aluriza, it was said that many refugees had to survive long periods without access to energy and shelter, and would construct large communal fires. Tired refugees would gather around these fires to share resources, stories, and most importantly keep hope alive. These days, we carry on that tradition by sitting close to the fire and sharing in community, snacks, and hot mugs of various liquids, settling in and staying up to mark the longest night of the year.
Solstice in Owai cannot be complete without the annual winter meteor shower. Visible for a couple weeks but peaking around the Longest Night, the meteor shower has become a treasured solstice tradition. People can be seen gazing skyward at the brilliant azure lights, with the hope of maybe even finding a landed meteorite for themselves. As countless generations of Alurizans watch the same meteor shower each year, a popular folktale as emerged: it's said that someone who stays up all night to count one thousand shooting stars will have their wish granted.

art by paradoxxpalms !
Monthly Activity Summary!
We have a Draw To Enter up! Draw or write about X-133 to be entered into a raffle to own them for yourself!
Galactic Gift's Prestige rewards have been doubled for the month of giving! Give some gifts to friends and get some end of the year Prestige! 
The mushroom hunt is over, but you can still Forage daily for other goodies! More forageables to be added soon!
Don't forget our Monthly Prompts!
Stay tuned! From December 12th to December 23rd, we will be having 12 days of free giveaways and sales, featuring 8 new Advent Guest Artists!
Click for all the details!
Rudy's size might be intimidating but don’t let that fool you, they are a sweetheart! Big, fluffy and adorable might be the best summary for this Tundra Xero! One of Rudy’s favorite activities is to go sledding in the mountains with friends or go on chilly winter hikes. While Rudy is right at home in the cold, they also make a mighty fine hot spiced sweetsap for those less arctic-inclined friends.
*The winner of this DTE is more than welcome to change the name, pronouns, and personality of this Xero!
What is a DTE (Draw To Enter)? Our DTE is a raffle-based event, in which you enter by submitting artwork. Draw, write, or create mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a fabulous prizes and a chance at owning this Xero yourself! This DTE character is Xero X-133: Rudy.
Click HERE for more information about this DTE!
Seasonal TRAITS!
We also have one new and one returning Seasonal Fruit!

The Tato Fruit allows a Xero to have Patterned Skin! This can include markings of any shape on their ears, paw pads, tongue, or hairless sections if combined with that trait. These markings can only be darker or lighter than their normal skin color, unless combined with the Split trait.
And the returning Astera Thistle! This plant allows a Xero to have Fur Pads, giving a Xero extra fluffy feet that covers their paw pads, like a rabbit or fennec fox! This adaptation can help protect their paws against extremely hot or cold conditions.
The Tato Fruit can be obtained from the Winter 2022 DTE or Secret Santa 2022, and the Astera Thistle can be purchased from the ARC Lab. Both can also be foraged! Be sure to stock up before they go out of season!
Monthly Prompts
Finally, as always, we still have our monthly repeating prompts, XOTM & ARC Survey!
11 2022 XOTM: Dicti-tm 's X-473
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 007
Greetings! I hope that everyone had a chance to enjoy the Twilight Carnival and experience something new, but now it's time for us to move on to the present topic: this month's survey! With winter fast approaching, I'm sure we're all starting to busy ourselves with our various plans for the Solstice, so I'll keep this to the point! In the spirit of the holiday, what is your wish for this upcoming year?