2023 Updates!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushieHAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎉✨
Thank you everyone for your patience during the holidays! We are back in business to deliver you all a solid 2023 over here in Project Xero!
Let’s get to the announcements, starting with our DTE winner and the monthly prompts!
Click for all the details!
We want to thank you all for participating in our very first Draw To Enter! It was incredibly fun, and we will definitely do more in the future! How sweet of all the owners to donate your amazing art to a First Time Owner!
Our winner of the DTE was... FluffyRaven ! They are given X-133: RUDY for free, as well as 70 pieces of art and 2 stories! What an amazing start for a FTO!
If you wish to look over all the art, please check out their Toyhouse page or our Gallery!
Monthly Prompts
Thank you all for giving Aristotle some love and getting him out of his shell last month; our next XOTM is… Snugleaf 's Tapioca! (They/She)
Our next ARC Survey is up as well, be sure to check it out, as it includes a bit of lore about one of the other species found in AREZ!
11 2022 XOTM: Snugleaf 's X-384
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month!
ARC Survey: 008
What do Xeros do to celebrate the day they were created, often known as the day of life, life day, hatch day… you see the trend; life tends to celebrate the great triumph of continuing to fight off entropy, to mark an anniversary of still being here. From the Korso's harvest day to that one thing those frog people do that we don’t talk about… It's in our nature to celebrate such things. How do you Xeros celebrate?
Wish Shards
Finally, have you all been collecting Wish Shards?
They've been appearing all over Owai-6 after the Meteor Shower that occurs during the Longest Night. We don’t know how many have dropped but they hold a very interesting property…
Here is a report from one of our premier ARC scientists on the properties of these shards:
The Twilight Shower has been studied rather thoroughly so we did not think there were many, if any, surprises left to find. The crystals are not so much a surprise, we have chemically detected them many times but until now, no physical studies have been conducted, and there is where it gets interesting. Testing reveals that this copper-oxalate compound has a very peculiar lattice structure enabling a strong antiferromagnetic effect on its long range ordering. This effect is not unique to just these crystals, but the accessibility of them will enable the scale production of high-temperature superconducting materials that may advance our computing efficiency exponentially. In short, this discovery marks what may be the most important step to a leap in material science and computing; their value to scientific research cannot be overstated.
Dr. Koobal
Physics Chair
Oasis University of Applied Sciences
ARC Lab is asking all of those willing to participate in furthering scientific research to please donate your shards to the lab for further testing and speed up our current technologies! What that means for all of you is: Collect 1000 Wish Shards to trade in for a MYO Slot!
This will replace the second 300 Prestige MYO slot, more details on this change below! ARC also understands that collecting so many shards is not easy to come by, and as such, they will be giving you an extra reward from the ARC Lab as a “thank you!” for furthering scientific development!
Wish Shards in their purest form are unable to be traded unlike other currencies, however, Comet Clusters, the larger rocks filled with veins of Wish Shards, have been found to be tradable! Some can give more shards than others, however! So get hunting! And who knows? Maybe they will have more purposes as ARC learns more about them! Only one way to find out!
Wish shards and Comet Clusters can currently only be found by Foraging! Get those hands dirty!
Changes to Standard MYO Orbs
Since Project Xero's launch in 2021, free Xeros and Standard MYO orbs have had a base value of $50. Going forward, Xeros or MYO Orbs earned with Prestige/in-game currency or free raffles will have a base value of $0, since no money was paid for them.
- All paid MYO slots will continue to have the value they are paid for.
- The ability to add on commissioned work for monetary value will stay the same, regardless of the Xero's starting base value.
- Users are still able to resell their Xeros using our X1.8 modifier rule, if desired.
Basic Xero Orbs can be earned a few ways:

Minors and Sales
It has always been our rule that any users under 18 are prohibited from the Official Project Xero Discord and this is not changing. However, changes to on-site sales are occurring for users under the age of 18. Going forward after January 1st, 2023, minors are unable to participate in paid sales, regardless of users offering to pay for them. It brings unnecessary complexity into these monetary transactions. Minors on-site are still able to enter free raffles, DTE, and any on-site events that do not require payments. Until users are legally able to have a Paypal account in their name, they must wait to participate in sales.
Funneling and Multi Accounting
As per our TOS and code of conduct, multi-accounting is strictly prohibited. However, this also includes having a sibling/partner/friend/family member farm foraging items or rewards with no intention of playing the game themselves.
Scenario Example #1: User A has a sibling, User B. Both users A and B play Project Xero together on the same IP address, and as such have alerted a mod. Over time, User B decides they would no longer like to participate in the species, and give their inventory and Prestige to User A. They may decide to return someday, but don't want User A to return their items. This is within our TOS and completely allowed.
Scenario Example #2: User A has a sibling, User B. Both users A and B play Project Xero together on the same IP address, and as such have alerted a mod. Over time, User B decides they would no longer like to participate in the species. To help out User A, User B continues to log in daily to Forage and send their foraged items to User A. They also occasionally enter raffles to give User A another chance to win, with intent to gift the Xero they may win to User A. This is against our TOS and both user's accounts will be banned.
Code of Conduct
We would also like to brush everyone up on our TOS and code of conduct! We have a few "general" chats: #general, #off-topic, and #afterdark. Users are free to chat about what they'd like here within reason. However, we must nudge the reminder that delving into personal topics at length is against our rules.
We do not want users to feel that they cannot speak up, but delving into deeply personal subjects in our public chats may make some users feel trapped or uncomfortable. Every user's situation is individual and different, but bringing up heavy topics may trigger anxiety and stress in someone else. As such, we encourage you to reach out to friends in private and keep upsetting personal discussion out of the server.
Selling discarded myo designs
Initially, we were unsure how to go about this and we attempted a trial run. At first it seemed that a user selling a scrapped MYO design would be funtionally the same as the user designing someone's MYO on commission. After further reflection, we have determined this not to be the case, as a user could, for example, make 10 "scrapped MYO ideas" they did not plan to use with the intention of selling them to other users.
At this time, we have determined that users are unable to sell their scrapped MYO designs to others. This is to discourage users from generating, essentially, "unofficial" Xeros to sell for other users to purchase for an MYO. If you would like to design an MYO for another user, we instead encourage you to post a design ad in our advertisement channel instead. As always, any user is able to design a MYO as long as the commissioner has a MYO orb to use!
Trades and Sales
Prestige, Astatine, and all in-game items (with the exception of paid MYO slots) do not have a real world monetary equivalent and there is no set conversion rate between currencies. We will not be introducing a set conversion rate at this time because our economy is still developing and changing. We would prefer users discuss trades amongst themselves and come to their own agreements for what constitutes a fair trade. Users should not try to tell others how much on-site currency or items are "worth" in order to discourage them from making a trade.
Scenario Example #1: User A posts an advertisement wanting to trade thier Xero for a MYO, but is considering a USD resale for first time owners only. User B contacts them and asks if they can be pinged on Discord if User A wants to sell their Xero. This is allowed under our TOS and rules.
Scenario Example #2: User A posts an advertisement wanting to trade their Xero for a MYO. User B contacts them and offers a resale if they do not receive any MYO Orb offers. This is against our TOS and rules; User B may receive a warning or strike.
We want to ensure that everything is balanced, and that comes with needing to make changes or clarifications as we grow as a community. We hope every user understands why these changes and updates need to be made!