Woodland (Xero Subtype)
Woodland Xeros are adapted to an arboreal lifestyle of climbing trees and hiding in tree hollows. With their lithe bodies and their special paw pads they are perfectly suited for gripping onto all kinds of surfaces and squeezing into tight spaces. Woodland Xeros love being up high and many have been found napping by wrapping their bodies around tree trunks or branches. However, their long bodies mean they cannot easily walk on two legs and instead get around on all fours most of the time.
They currently have two unique features that can only be found on this subtype:
Woodland Pads: Flat pads that cover the entire palm and sole of their paws allow Woodland Xeros to grip onto bark and foliage with ease while climbing, allowing them to get to higher elevations quicker. These pads are covered in the same setae as standard Xero paws, but the higher coverage gives them enhanced grip.
Woodland Tail: A Woodland Xero's long tail is the perfect counterweight to help them balance up in the trees. They're also extremely handy in helping them wrap around tree trunks and branches when climbing. While useful for traversal, some Woodland Xeros have found that it can cause quite a tripping hazard in their day to day lives.
These traits do not have to be present on every single Woodland Xero, however, every Woodland Xero must have the exclusive subtype trait Long Body.
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