Alien Research Center Laboratory

One of the greatest honors an Alurizan citizen can receive is the opportunity to help guide a new citizen in their journey of learning about their home and their place within it; but one must first show they themselves are knowledgeable and trustworthy enough to take on such a task. The Alurizians are a people of cooperation but also one of responsibility; to prove themselves up to the challenge, one can point to the prestige and respect granted to them by their community as a marker of their readiness to help.

While a Xero reaches maturity very quickly, they effectively find themselves thrust into a world they do not understand. Because of this, the sponsor is critically important; they become the helper and guide to the Xero to introduce them to Alurizan society, helping them discover who they are and want to be in this incredible new life full of endless possibilities.


MYO Items
Basic Xero ORB
Basic Xero ORB
Cost: 30000 Prestige
Max 1 yearly per user
Basic Xero ORB
Basic Xero ORB
Cost: 1000 Wish Shard
Max 1 yearly per user
Starter Xero ORB Kit
Starter Xero ORB Kit
Cost: 10000 Prestige
Max 1 per user