[Gift] Xeros and Dragons: Glitch's Big Adventure
Xeros and Dragons
Character Leadup: Glitch
“He was all alone and he didn’t have anybody caring for him!”
“Boon, you basically kidnapped him! You scooped him off the streets and took him away from his guardians!”
“I don’t have any guardians.”
“Can you guys please be a little quieter?”
“Sorry for yelling but I don’t know how else I’m supposed to get Boon to realize you can’t just snatch up kids off the streets!”
“Excuse me!?”
“Psst.” Glitch turned his head. “Over here.” He turned further, and saw a little white and orange paw waving at him from another table. He was quick to drop down from his seat and run over, finding a young Xero sitting underneath the table. He looked sort of like an artificial snack, with neon green coloring for his upper half, and bright orange on the lower, though his ears and paws kind of alternated between the too colors. Like Glitch, he had a very obvious manifestation of the “slimy skin” trait that some Xeros have, though he seemed to rival Glitch with how problematic it could be. He crawled underneath to join. “Stick your tail out. If they see it, they won’t bother us.” Glitch looked down, and saw that the other Xero’s tail was sticking out from the table, in plain view. He grabbed his own tail, placed it to the side, and turned back. “My name’s Gummi! What’re all of them yelling about?”
Glitch leaned back to look and flinched when one of the Xeros yelled at the largest of the group, “Boon.”
“I don’t know,” he answered. “I live on the streets, the big guy took me along and promised me some food and a place to sleep. Everybody’s mad at him for helping me.”
Gummi shook his head. “Give them like, ten minutes. They’ll figure it out eventually.”
“What is this place?” Glitch asked. “It’s… so far from the city. It’s quiet.”
“It’s a science lab! All kinds of cool stuff happens here. Experiments, chemistry labs, they built a space ship in the hangar! Not super cool looking, but everybody’s way hyped up for it, so it must do something cool. And there’s gadgets and stuff-”
“Wait wait wait. How do you know where this stuff is?”
Gummi grinned and leaned in close. “I crawl around in the vents! We can go looking around when they leave, you wanna see?”
Glitched smiled widely. “Oh yeah,” he said, nodding for dramatic effect.
A little leadup and background, explaining how Glitch went from crawling around in the streets to accidentally stowing away on a space ship in Xeros and Dragons.
Submitted By Meeko
for Galactic Gift
Submitted: 2 years ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years ago