[Survey] Dear You

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It was late, Nyx looked at the date once more and then took a seat behind her computer. She took a deep breath and started writing. 


Dear You,


It's been a while isn’t it? Last time I heard of you must be like what, 7 years ago and maybe double that for the last time I’ve seen you. It's been so long, I don’t even know if you're still around, maybe they finally caught you, or maybe you just grew old. You still remember? It was today, 25 years ago when I first met you and you took me in. God I was so small and helpless, I had just ran away from the ARC Lab and then you caught me trying to steal that fruit from a small market stall. You grabbed me by my tail as I wanted to run and when I started crying you got me the fruit and told me to come with you and you would give me a place to live. You instantly recognized something in me and I knew I could trust you. You were like a father to me and I just noticed, I don’t think I ever really said thank you. 


She stopped writing for a bit and a tear rolled across her face. 


I don’t know why I’m getting so emotional writing this, I guess I miss you or at least would want to know how you are doing. You taught me everything I know, it started with pickpocketing but when you noticed my skills with computers you taught me how to code and how to break the codes of others. How to hack everything that got in my way. I am so thankful that you saved me. 


She placed her paws on her face and yelled into them.


But then one day, it was all over, you told me you had to leave for a few days but you never came back. I saw your face on the news, they were looking for you. Another day later I noticed a message on your computer, telling me you weren’t coming back and I had to leave the apartment if I didn’t want them to find me. So I left, back on the streets but this time you gave me everything I needed to save myself and get me to where I am. 

Years later you messaged me that you were okay but that was the last thing I ever heard of you. I know this message might never get to you, or you might be watching me right now. I just wanted to say thank you for what you did 25 years ago. And that if you ever wanted to speak to me again, I would love to know if you’re okay


She typed one last dot to close the message, stood up from her desk and walked to the bedroom. 


In the middle of the night a light flashed at the computer and a message showed up on the screen. 

“You were like a daughter to me too, you don't need to thank me. I’m doing okay Nyx, miss you darling”

[Survey] Dear You
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In Skill Shuffle ・ By ChimerasiteContent Warning: Mentions of crimes and hints of dead

After 25 years Nyx writes a letter to her old mentor to thank him for everything he's done for her. 

Submitted By Chimerasite for ARC Survey: 031
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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[[Survey] Dear You by Chimerasite (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Mentions of crimes and hints of dead](https://projectxero.org/gallery/view/4259)
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