[Gift] The way to the doctors...
The sun poked through the blinds, Spitz was having none of it. He pulled the blanket over his head. His alarm said good morning in it's normal song. He knocked the phone down with his paw. He was up all night making art, the paint was still on his paws. He crashed before he could wash them. He realized that when the alarm sounded a second time. So he got up and took a shower he scrubed the paint off. The phone sounded a third time. He rushed to get the phone to turn off the alarm. It was later than he thought. He rushed out the door grabing the stuff he needed for his doctors visit and triped into the elevator.
" Why today?" He said as he got up just in time to push the button. He sighed and made it to the ground level. He rushed on the way to the doctor. He made it.
This is a gift for Spitz.
Submitted By MsThunder
for Galactic Gift
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago