[Survey] Extrero Energy

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‘Hmm’ Nyx scratched her head ‘what flavors do I pick today?’. She was standing in the grocery store looking at the different flavors of Extrero Energy. She loved the stuff and it was gaining quite the popularity with their unique tastes and ingredients, using the special produce created by ARC. ‘Maybe I'll take a few cans of the Luminous Lantern fruit, since they won't restock it until next Twilight Carnival’ her paw moved across the other flavors ‘oh well I'm just going to get a few of each’.

She quickly grabbed some other groceries before going to the register. ‘Hey I see you're a big fan of Extrero as well!’ the person behind the register smiled at her and pointed ‘did you see the competition they are running?’ Nyx looked to where the cashier was pointing and noticed a sign.


Do you have it in you to come up with a brand new flavor of Extrero Energy? 

If you have that one perfect name, run to our website and join the competition! 

The winning flavor will be added to our line up and the person that came up with the idea will win a year long supply of Extrero Energy!


‘Oh thanks for letting me know, I totally missed that!’ Nyx waved at the cashier while walking away but meanwhile she was already thinking about what flavor and name she was going to enter. She decided to walk by the greenhouse and look at the fruits to get some inspiration.

Spiced Spice Plum… no that's not it, maybe for the winter times. Mysterious Mela Mela Drupe… probably too long. What about Gooey Goodrop Berry… oh definitely not that sounds gross. After staring at the berries for a bit longer she grabbed her bag and made her way home. It wasn't a long walk but she made sure to look around and try to find anything that could help her get that winning idea. Her stomach rumbled as it was nearly lunchtime and she laughed to herself, Hungry Helix Bean that would be hilarious. But not what she was looking for, so she made a quick stop at the bakery and entered the apartment building. 

Her computer fans buzzed as she turned the device on and went to the Extrero website. Rumbling Ru Berry… at least it felt better than her previous ideas but it still didn't feel like the right one. Maybe Wild Widd Berry… no that's probably what multiple people would try. ’That's it!’ she yelled and started typing ‘Let’s use one of ARC’s most recently released berries, the Prickly Polysa!’. She rapidly typed in the name of the drink and pressed submit, ‘and now we wait’.

A few weeks later Nyx opened her social media to check if the results were in for the competition when she noticed a bright colored post with a very familiar text in the image and below it was her name. 


Extrero Energy is happy to announce our newest flavor and the winner of our competition*…

Prickly Polysa Punch!

*Available in stores soon

[Survey] Extrero Energy
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In Skill Shuffle ・ By Chimerasite
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Submitted By Chimerasite for ARC Survey: 031
Submitted: 10 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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