Submission (#1285) Approved

25 July 2022, 12:57:32 EDT (2 years ago)
26 July 2022, 12:46:13 EDT (2 years ago) by Frouzon


Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are one of the 3 freshwater trout species found in north Georgia. The other two are Brook and Brown trout. The brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is the only native species to Georgia (which I did not know before doing this prompt!). Brook trout have a green brown coloration, with a generally darker head and tail that the brown trout. Males are distinguishable by their redder belly coloration, while females maintain a milky white coloration.

The Green June Beetle (cotinis nitida) belongs to the Scarabaeidae family. Adults appear in June and may persist until early fall in warmer climates. They feed on common fruit crops such as peaches, nectarines, apples, and pears.

Green Spored Lepiota (Chlorophyllum molybdites) is commonly called the false parasol. They commonly appear in lawns and mulches. Although it appears similar to the edible parasol mushroom, false parasols are poisonous and can cause severe gastrointestinal distress. The gills of the false parasol are white, but turn darker brown or green as the fungi ages.

Bitterweed (helenium amarum) or yellow Sneezeweed is a small yellow flowering plant common to North America. It is often found in meadows or pastures, and can be toxic if ingested by livestock.

Cicadas are common to north Georgia, with one of the most common types being Walker’s Cicada (Megatibicen pronotalis). It is one of the largest species of cicada. Their eggs are laid in tree grooves. Upon hatching, the larvae feeds on tree sap. After a period of time, it will fall to the ground and lay underground (sometimes for years). When they emerge from the ground as nymphs, they will climb to the nearest vertical surface (usually a tree or plant) and shed their exoskeleton, leaving behind a shell. The adults have wings after the shedding of their nymph body, and will use their shrill calls to find mates.


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