Submission (#7707) Approved

16 June 2024, 05:00:54 EDT (8 months ago)
17 June 2024, 16:59:18 EDT (8 months ago) by Frouzon


[Bag 1 of 2]

- I collect cans and bottles separately from trash and standard recycling and deliver them to a local depot for recycling.
- I have been using a reusable shopping bag where possible, or using recyclable paper bags.
- I have purchased composable and marine biodegradable straws in place of standard plastic ones.
- When purchasing clingfilm and aluminum foil, I opt for products that are made of recycled materials.


Reward Amount
Prestige 150



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

TypicalDragon's Bank

Currency Quantity