Submission (#7708) Approved

16 June 2024, 05:13:43 EDT (8 months ago)
17 June 2024, 16:59:10 EDT (8 months ago) by Frouzon


[Bag 2 of 2]

- I have researched and separated out items that go in out home recycling bin and green waste bin for collection by local council.
- I try not to purchase items that are individually packaged where possible to reduce waste.
- My husband and I have installed solar panels on our house to supplement our energy needs with green energy.
- When purchasing appliances we are conscious of the energy rating and their impact on our carbon footprint.


Reward Amount
Prestige 150



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

TypicalDragon's Bank

Currency Quantity