Submission (#834) Approved

14 April 2022, 19:00:04 EDT (2 years ago)
14 April 2022, 22:37:48 EDT (2 years ago) by Frouzon


Observation Survey: Leopids

The Leopid (lay-oh-pid), or Leobeast (lay-oh-bee-st) bears a close resemblance to earthen cervine and other such herbivorous prey animals. They prefer to dwell under the lush cover of thick bushes and trees, having evolved natural camouflage to hide them in the dim light. Leopids have a diet that consists of roots, berries, leaves, and non toxic fungi, as well as moss. Their forward facing horns have multiple uses, such as scraping moss from trees, attract mates, and defend against predators. They have evolved hoof like toes that spread slightly when walking, which appear to help them navigate different types of terrain, such as mountainous hills and uneven forest floors. As a consequence, they're not as quick as other species in their category, so they make up for it by becoming effective at hiding in plain sight. When they stand perfectly still, their unique pelt pattern helps them to meld almost seamlessly into the environment. In recent times, the species has become endangered due to loss of habitat, and are close to extinction without intervention. It is believed that with the help of technology, and current terraforming efforts, these gentle creatures can be brought back from the brink to thrive once more!


Reward Amount
Jungle ORB 1
Prestige 20
Astatine 1
Jungle Expedition Xero Raffle (Raffle Ticket) 1



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