All Prompts
Galactic Gift
Draw or write about someone else's Xero & earn some Prestige! Click 'Show Details' for the rules.
Galactic Gift
Making gifts is a great way to meet other members, practice your skills, and spread cheer throught the Project Xero community!
When submitting your entry for this prompt, please upload your gift to our on-site Galactic Gift Gallery! Art & writing uploaded to the Project Xero gallery also earns 5 Prestige.
Looking for a Xero to make a gift for? Click HERE for a list of Xeros that are open for Gift Art, and click HERE for a list of Xeros that are open for writing! Or, check out #xero-art-requests in our Discord server!
The artwork submitted to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ The Xero in your artwork must belong to someone else!
★ The artwork must show at least the character's head. It can be also be a half-body or full-body, but rewards will not increase!
★ The artwork must be full-color and should have at least relatively clean lines. Shading is optional.
★ Sketchy styles are accepted, so long as the art shows good effort and does not appear rushed.
★ You may draw multiple Xeros in a submission, but the rewards will not increase.
The writing submitted to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ The Xero in your writing must belong to someone else!
★ The writing must be at least 300 words.
★ The writing must show good effort, and adhere to the character's personality & backstory. (Not sure of a character's details? Ask the owner!)
★ You will not be judged on grammar or spelling, but please do your best!
★ You may write about multiple Xeros in a story, but the rewards will not increase.
★ This prompt may only be submitted four times per month. It resets at the end of each month!
★ Entries submitted must be gifts; art or writing created for a commission or trade cannot be used for this prompt.
★ Artwork or writing submitted must be new and created by you. It cannot be traced or created on a preexisting template or base.
★ You cannot submit a gift for the same user or character more than one time per month.
★ Please remember to check if the Xero you want to draw is open for gift art or writing!
★ Ziggy and Luca (the Project Xero mascots) do not count for the Galactic Gift prompt! Your gift must be for another member, as community mascots do not have an "owner".
To submit your gift for this prompt, follow the instructions below!
1. First, upload your gift art or writing to our on-site Galactic Gift Gallery.
2. Fill out all of the related information. Add a title and description, add the character's owner as a Participant, and from the Prompt drop-down box, select "Galactic Gift". Click the "Add Character" button, and add the code for the character(s) featured in the piece. The code can be found on the character's Masterlist entry, it is the last part of the URL for their page or their number on the Masterlist. Submit the piece!
3. Copy the URL of the piece posted to the Gallery, and click "Submit Prompt" for Galactic Gift.
4. Paste the URL of your gift to the "Submission URL" box. You can ignore all of the other fields in the prompt submission. The rewards are added automatically for you!
5. Submit your prompt, and wait! A member of the team will review and accept it for you. Your account will receive a notification once the submission is approved!
THIS Prompt may be submitted up to four times per month. It resets on the 1st of each month!
Reward | Amount |
Prestige | 200 |
Similar to our Galactic Gift, draw or write about the Xero of the Month and earn some fabulous prizes! Click 'Show Details' for the rules.
02 2025 XOTM: GeckoJackal's X-1039: Nav! (She/They)
Nav is tough, strong, and scary but don’t let that first impression fool you! They will talk your ear off about the newest gossip and their favorite magazine “Frontline Pouches of the AREZ”.
Masterlist ToyHouse
Xero of the Month
What is XOTM? Each month, a new Xero will be picked at random to receive a plethora of gifts from the community! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts for the featured Xero and win a Mysterious ORB and a chance for your Xero to be featured next month! See the above section to learn all about this month's featured Xero!
When submitting your entry for this prompt, please upload your piece to our XOTM Gallery here! Art & writing uploaded to the Project Xero gallery also earn 5 Prestige.
★ Don't have your own Xero? That's OK! You can still do the prompt. Before the raffle is rolled at the end of the month, any non-owners will be removed from the raffle and will receive a bonus of 150 Prestige instead!
★ NOTICE: If you have won Xero of the Month in the last 6 months, you may not win again until that time period is up. However, you will still receive extra rewards for participating in the prompt! Xeros that have won within that time as well may not be chosen, even if they have changed owners.
Click for Art Requirements
The artwork submitted to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ The XOTM must be the main focus of the image. You may draw multiple Xeros in a submission, but the rewards will not increase.
★ The artwork for this prompt must show at least half-body! You may draw a fullbody, but the rewards will not increase.
★ The artwork must be full-color and should have at least relatively clean lines. Shading is optional.
★ Sketchy styles are accepted, so long as the art shows good effort and does not appear rushed.
Click for Writing Requirements
The writing submitted to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ The current month's Xero of the Month must be the main focus of the story.
★ Writing must be at least 500 words.
★ The writing must show good effort. You will not be judged on grammar or spelling, but please do your best!
★ You may write about multiple Xeros in a story, but the rewards will not increase.
Click for Craft Requirements
The crafts submitted to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ The current month's Xero of the Month must be the main focus of the craft.
★ You may use any media you wish (3D, clay, papercraft, paint, etc.)
★ Your piece must show good effort and be relatively "finished"— i.e. a clay piece must be painted, but glaze will be optional. A 3D model must have a texture map, but does not need to be rigged. If you need clarification on parameters, please feel free to contact staff!
★ When submitting a mixed media entry, please include a clear photo (or screenshot of a 3D model) of multiple angles.
★ A finished physical piece (such as a clay model) is not required to be shipped to the user, but if they would like to facilitate that with you, feel free to work it out amongst yourselves!
★ This prompt may only be submitted by a user once per month. There will be a new XOTM each month!
★ Making side accounts in attempt to obtain additional raffle tickets or prizes is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.
★ Artwork or writing submitted must be new and created by you. It cannot be traced or created on a preexisting template or base.
★ Entries that are submitted for this prompt must be gifts: commissions or mutual art trades will not be accepted.
★ A single user may only win once every 6 months. A single Xero, even if they have changed ownership, may only win once per 6 months.
To submit your piece for this prompt, follow the instructions below!
1. First, upload your art or writing to our on-site XOTM Gallery.
2. Fill out all of the related information. Add a title and description, and from the Prompt drop-down box, select "Xero of the Month". Click the "Add Character" button, and add the code for the character(s) featured in the piece. The code can be found on the character's Masterlist entry, it is the last part of the URL for their page or their number on the Masterlist. Submit the piece!
3. Copy the URL of the piece posted to the Gallery, and click "Submit Prompt" for Xero of the Month.
4. Paste the URL of your piece to the "Submission URL" box. You can ignore all of the other fields in the prompt submission. The rewards are added automatically for you!
5. Submit your prompt, and wait! A member of the team will review and accept it for you. Your account will receive a notification once the submission is approved!
6. Head to your inventory, select your ORB with the checkmark box, and click "Open" to receive your rewards! Your raffle ticket is added automatically.
All XOTM participants will receive the following rewards for participating:
1 Raffle Ticket for the next XOTM - OR - 150 Prestige for non-owners
1 Mysterious Orb
Xero of the Month can only be submitted once per user per month.
THIS XOTM ENDS Wednesday, February 26th AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
Reward | Amount |
Mysterious ORB | 1 |
XOTM: 32 (Raffle Ticket) | 1 |
Cosmic Contribution
Give a little gift to yourself! Draw or write about your own Xero for some rewards! Click 'Show Details' for the rules.
Cosmic Contribution
Give a little gift to yourself! Draw, write, or create some mixed media crafts as a personal piece for your own Xero!
When submitting your entry for this prompt, please upload your piece to our main Gallery here! Art & writing uploaded to the Project Xero gallery also earns 5 Prestige.
★ Don't have your own Xero yet? You can draw or write about Ziggy or Luca, our mascots! You can read all about them on their profiles. You may also ask permission to use another member's Xero in our Discord. However, if you do already own a Xero, you must use your own Xero and may not use mascots or another user's Xero.
The artwork submitted to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ The Xero in your artwork must belong to you, or use Ziggy or Luca (or another member's Xero, with permission!) if you do not yet own a Xero!
★ The artwork for this prompt must be full body!
★ The artwork must be full-color and should have at least relatively clean lines. Shading or backgrounds are optional.
★ Sketchy styles are accepted, so long as the art shows good effort and does not appear rushed.
★ You may draw multiple Xeros in a submission, but the rewards will not increase.
The writing submitted to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ The Xero in your artwork must belong to you, or use Ziggy or Luca (or another member's Xero, with permission!) if you do not yet own a Xero!
★ The writing must be at least 600 words.
★ The writing must show good effort. You will not be judged on grammar or spelling, but please do your best!
★ You may write about multiple Xeros in a story, but the rewards will not increase.
★ You may include a piece of artwork to accompany the writing, but the rewards will not increase.
★ This prompt may only be submitted once per month.
★ Artwork or writing submitted must be new and created by you. It cannot be traced, copied, or created on a preexisting template or base.
★ Ziggy and Luca (the Project Xero mascot) or another user's Xero may only be used if you do not currently own a Xero!
To submit your piece for this prompt, follow the instructions below!
1. First, upload your art or writing to our on-site Gallery.
2. Fill out all of the related information. Add a title and description, and from the Prompt drop-down box, select "Cosmic Contribution". Click the "Add Character" button, and add the code for the character(s) featured in the piece. The code can be found on the character's Masterlist entry, it is the last part of the URL for their page or their number on the Masterlist. Submit the piece!
3. Copy the URL of the piece posted to the Gallery, and click "Submit Prompt" for Cosmic Contribution.
4. Paste the URL of your piece to the "Submission URL" box. You can ignore all of the other fields in the prompt submission. The rewards are added automatically for you!
5. Submit your prompt, and wait! A member of the team will review and accept it for you. Your account will receive a notification once the submission is approved!
This prompt may only be submitted once per month. It resets on the 1st of each month!
Reward | Amount |
Mysterious ORB | 1 |
Sugar Cube | 1 |
In the spirit of nostalgia, draw your Xero in a 2024 (or older) meme format!
PATH: 1031 0216 1118
FROM: ???
Welcome, citizens of Aluriza! I have a casual request for you... It may seem.... well. It may seem "silly", but rest assured, this data is very, very important! Once per month I will contact you and give you a task. Please complete within the time limit, it is imperative to my research. There's something in it for you too, of course. My rewards may vary, as will the requirements. But I'm sure we'll find something that works for everyone.
Skill Shuffle
Welcome to 2025! In the spirit of nostalgia, draw your Xero in a 2024 (or older) meme format! This could be a favourite from your preferred social media, but it doesn't have to be! Get creative! Your favourite could be a single image, a gif, or a video. The meme does not have to be widely popular to use, so please use your favourite! The purpose of these new casual prompts is to potentially get users out of their comfort zone with drawing, and have a bit of fun. These prompts will not be tied to Project Xero and the world's lore, so please, have fun with it!
When submitting your entry for this prompt, please upload your piece to our on-site Gallery! Submissions uploaded to the Project Xero Gallery also earn 5 Prestige.
★ You can draw Ziggy or Luca, our mascots for this prompt! You can read all about them on their profiles. You may also ask permission to use another member's Xero in our Discord, or of course, draw your own Xero!
Example by Hinatora!
The submissions to this prompt must show good effort and adhere to the following guidelines:
★ This is an art only prompt!
★ You can draw your own Xero, another member's Xero (with permission) or use our mascots Ziggy or Luca for this prompt!
★ The artwork does not require a fullbody, but please do not choose a meme that is a single limb (hand only, single eye, etc.)!
★ The artwork must be full-color and should have at least relatively clean lines. Shading is not required.
★ Sketchy styles are accepted, so long as the art shows good effort and does not appear rushed.
★ You may draw multiple Xeros in a submission, but the rewards will not increase.
★ This prompt may only be submitted once per month. There will be a new casual prompt each month!
★ Submissions submitted must be new and created by you.
★ For this specific prompt, you are allowed to trace a meme, unless the original creator does not want their art copied.
To submit your piece for this prompt, follow the instructions below!
1. First, upload your art or writing to our on-site Gallery!
2. Fill out all of the related information. Add a title and description, and from the Prompt drop-down box, select "Skill Shuffle". Click the "Add Character" button, and add the code for the character(s) featured in the piece. The code can be found on the character's Masterlist entry, it is the last part of the URL for their page or their number on the Masterlist. Submit the piece!
3. Copy the URL of the piece posted to the Gallery, and click "Submit Prompt" for Skill Shuffle.
4. Paste the URL of your piece to the "Submission URL" box. You can ignore all of the other fields in the prompt submission. The rewards are added automatically for you!
5. Submit your prompt, and wait! A member of the team will review and accept it for you. Your account will receive a notification once the submission is approved!
Skill Shuffle can only be submitted once per user per month.
THIS Prompt ENDS Wednesday, February 26th AT 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
Reward | Amount |
Prestige | 150 |
Ru Berry | 1 |