X-011: Darlaustrieya

Owned by Drac0rex

 Darl, short for Darlaustrieya (dar-lust-strya), is a beautiful brightly toned Xero. She stands at a solid 4ft 7inches, with a prehensile tail and dazzling bright eyes. She is nimble and graceful, but spends most of her time on two feet in council meetings, on panels, and other major government and social events.

She was one of the first generation xeros, raised by an alien foster family. Her parents and older siblings were all nobles and diplomats, participating in extraterrestrial government and trade. They are a well respected and morally driven family who raised Darl in a humble home while sharing their wealth and knowledge with as many races as they could. They live and breathe the Alurizan philosophy, and Darl has deep respect and love for all her family.

This had an impact on Darl, who earned respect with her own level headed personality and diplomatic demeanor. She currently serves as an ambassador and chair of one of the major trade alliances in the system, traveling frequently to observe and inspect various routes and trade groups.

She takes her position as a xero representative very seriously, but is fairly easy going by nature. She is kind but also extremely ambitious and a little sly, using her silver tongue and reputation to get what she wants. Her prehensile tail and colors make her stand out at events and she is sure to use that to her advantage. She also has a private network of lower class workers whom she uses for information in exchange for protecting them in law and order.

She is currently on a "grand circle tour" yet again of major mineral trade routes, ensuring the prevention of corruption and the protection of workers. She is not afraid to get "in the trenches" with workers and get her hands dirty advocating for them and others in society who need a hand. And yet, she carries herself with dignity and often attracts attention with her poise and feminine demenor.






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