X-017: Sulaco

Owned by Drac0rex
Sulaco "17"

Sulaco is a dark furred Xero with sharp spikes running down his back, plated ears, and purple slitted eyes. He has a lean and tall build, standing at 5 feet. He is capable of seeing in the dark more keenly than other Xeros, and navigates well through tight spaces despite being taller than average. He is noted for his dexterous hands and flexibility.

Sulaco's life centers around space travel, as he works as an engineer for hire for various freighters and ships. He is able to reach what many other spacefaring races cannot, crawling directly into machines and ventilation ducts to complete tasks. He is a reliable mechanic and handy-man, working on things as complex as critical ship technical controls, to as simple as the cabin plumbing.

Suli, as he is known to his friends, can be intense and cold to strangers. He doesn't appreciate being underestimated, and often responds with sarcasm and ire when asked if he "can" do something. But once you get to know him, you'll come to realize Suli has many layers. He is more patient than he appears, and holds a deep fondless for friends and strangers interested in learning his trade. He has a guiltly pleasure for teaching and instructing, and is understanding when others make mistakes. He is also protective and deeply observant, and while he isn't always immensely kind about it, he always takes an individuals situation and emotions into consideration.  Apologies from Suli come in the form of offhanded compliments and efforts to be more gentle rather than direct "sorries". He makes a good big brother to new, green mechanics and a decent chat at any port bar.

With his venom and dexterity, Suli is also a natural defender. He takes alien threats very seriously and is always quick to respond to vermin and pests on board. When he isnt working, he enjoys a quiet moment with bitter beverages and a view of the stars. He hopes to own his own freighter one day, but doesnt want to be a captain... A constant contradiction.



Cool, dark places
Space travel
Hand puzzles, math puzzles (similar to Rubix cubes and earth sudoku)
Sweets (just dont tell anyone)

Loud and boisterous conversations
Being touched
Being underestimated (after all, even a tall Xero isnt huge)
Bodies of water
Natural light


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