Profile X-107: Parsley

Owned by Stardonyx

Ah, Parsley. What is there to be said about this small, unassuming, and altogether unremarkable Xero? Well, if you're the type to frequent space stations and trade hubs, you might have seen her. Parsley hops from spaceship to spaceship, offering manual labor and cooking services in exchange for free passage to the furthest reaches of the cosmos. 

Parsley is not the most extroverted of creatures, but does like to travel with a crew. Why? It turns out that  physically speaking, she is fairly weak and therefore totally defenseless in a fight. She is hyperaware of this and therefore has concocted a brilliant combat strategy: running as fast as possible in the other direction. This is the only feat of athleticism that she can reasonably manage, and she keep it up for a while thanks to the above-average amount of stamina that she does possess. 

Despite her lack of general athleticism, Parsley's talents become quickly apparent when she is permitted to roam the surface of a strange planet. With her natural curiosity and aptitude for learning, Parsley is an adept explorer and scientist who enjoys studying rare forms of life. Back onboard the ship, she can be found either in her quarters or whatever room she has commandeered as a temporary workspace. There, she spends her time organizing her notes on the creatures, artifacts, or obscure sciences that are the spoils of her latest expedition. Occasionally, she runs an experiment or two, although only when she's certain that the results will not be explosive enough to expel her from the crew. 

As a crewmate and friend, Parsley is always willing to lend a hand, despite the slightly worn-out aura that always seems to surround her. She likes to crack jokes, usually delivered deadpan and at the worst possible minute. Painfully self-aware, although she doesn't look it. And she can sometimes seem absent-minded, but that's usually because she's laser-focused on something else. Oh, but if you were in her shoes, you'd understand. There would be so much in the universe for you think about and dwell on. The stars, the planets, the different worlds and creatures whirling through the cosmos. The Aluriza, the Reserve, the Project, and you—a Rebuilt Organism,  a creature that was created to—to what? Preserve a dying species? Fulfill an alliance's dream? Represent the future of life? Why do you exist? Why are you here?

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