X-221: Cavy

Owned by RabbitRory

Name: Cavy (X-221)

Gender: Trans Male (uses he/him pronouns)


Cavy is a laidback and chill Xero, preferring to go with the flow and deal with life as it hits him, rather than worrying about what the future holds. 

He is a singer-songwriter and writes songs with his acoustic guitar, his main genre being alternative/indie folk (as a real-life example think early songs by the Mountain Goats). He's always willing to play for any event. His music covers a wide range of subjects- he's even working on a concept album right now- but mostly he writes about feeling lost in the universe and finding meaning, based on his experiences as a revived species.



  • Tangy Foods
  • Music
  • Skirts


Fun Facts:

  • He likes wearing nice skirts, but the length he enjoys them at would require wearing heels/walking on his toes, and he just can't be bothered.
  • Cavy typically walks on all fours, but is also very used to walking on two legs in order to hold a guitar.
  • He keeps notebooks in his pouch, so he can write down song/lyric ideas as soon as he gets them.
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