X-892: Kai

Owned by mewsmeow

Kai is a fairly introverted character. He can speak but chooses to be nonverbal with most, growls, barks, chirps, purrs, etc are his preferred communication. In emergencies he will speak, though the air rushing out is irritating to his gills and quite foreign to the marine Xero who spent much of his early life underwater. With the help of his friends Reef and Ida he learns to write and “speak” sign language.


He adores Ida and Reef, Reef being his first friend and Ida his second. He met Reef while scavenging for trinkets, and the two closely bonded over their eclectic collections. Reef then introduced Kai to Ida, and despite the two having less in common they get along well and have gone exploring as a group.


When meeting others Kai seems standoffish, as he doesn’t speak and will avoid eye contact with strangers. He’s also very shy but hopes to have more friends to feel comfortable with. He’s very empathetic, and causes trouble for himself by caring for injured animals large and small. He won’t prevent the natural circle of life, his favorite food is fish after all, but will help however he can.


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