Project Xero's 3rd Anniversary!
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by NeonSlushieHappy 3rd Anniversary!
We are kicking off our celebration of 3 years of Project Xero with a slew of new activities!
It's an entire event of sweet treats you will NOT want to miss out on!
We'd like to once again extend thanks to all the ProjectXero players new and old who have continued to help us craft an absolutely stellar community and share our alien passions! With that said, let's get this party started!!
Limited Time Event Prompts
Bake a Ru berry cupcake
In this two-part Quest prompt, you'll help Ziggy prepare for ARC's surprise party by collecting ingredient items and baking them into the perfect sweet treat- a Ru Berry Cupcake!
There's only one problem... Ziggy is out of Recipes.
You're tasked with not only collecting all ingredients but also all the Recipes to make sure the party is a success!
Participating in this prompt awards 3 Orbits & a 3rd Anniversary Badge!
Click here to help Ziggy out!

Picture Perfect Party!
In this prompt, draw or write about how your Xero prefers to spend their night at ARC's 3rd Anniversary party! Are they excited? Are they shy? How did they get invited anyways?
This prompt is very open ended and we can't wait to see what shenanigans your Xeros get up to at ARC!
Participating in this prompt awards 1 Orbit, 1 Recipe, & a 3rd Anniversary Badge!

Baker's bash!
In this prompt, you'll be baking in real life. Create a dessert dish for you or your family to enjoy in the name of Project Xero's 3rd Anniversary!
This prompt is accepting desserts of all kinds and we are very excited to see what dish is your favorite. Will you make something celebratory or do you prefer homey comforting sweets?
Participating in this prompt awards 1 Orbit, 1 Recipe, & a 3rd Anniversary Badge!
New Crafting Recipes
This event brings new blueprints called "Recipes" to the Crafting System!
Four new Recipes allow you to combine items into ingredients for use in making food dishes.
Recipes can be obtained for free in this event's limited time Prompts. Additional blueprints can be purchased in Jackpot Planet.
You can earn these Recipes through Prompts:
You can buy these Recipes with Prestige:

New Ingredient Items!
It's time to get cooking with new ingredient items!
Combining Produce and Forageable items using ARC Lab's MAKR machine lets you make food dishes! Each ingredient item has a unique recipe, so be sure to pay close attention when crafting! Lucky for you, Ziggy has kindly provided you with a somewhat eccentrically written grocery list so you are not shopping blind.