
<a href=" Orb Fungus" class="display-item">Irida Orb Fungus</a>

Irida Orb Fungus

Category: Premium Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 3000 Prestige

Notable for its long, wood-like stalks, the Irida Orb is a transgenic fungus capable of rapidly changing its surface to its benefit. This is often seen as the fungus will change its surface darker or lighter in response to the amount of light it is receiving, to enable it to grow in a wide array of conditions that would otherwise be deadly.
This fungus gives Xeros the Split trait! This item can only be obtained through special donation events and prompts.

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<a href=" Berry" class="display-item">Jewel Berry</a>

Jewel Berry

Category: Premium Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 3000 Prestige

Renown for its incredibly smooth surface and brilliant color, the jewel berry leaves no question as to the origin of its name. Unlike many organisms, its color is not produced by pigments but instead via structural color- in which structures physically scatter light into spectacular, glittery colors. A refreshing tart flavor makes the jewel berry a culinary centerpiece in many dishes, and its unique physical structures are studied and replicated by researches for everything from eco-friendly paints to special light-reflecting glass.

This berry gives Xeros the Dazzle trait!

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<a href=" Fruit" class="display-item">Lantern Fruit</a>

Lantern Fruit

Category: Premium Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 3000 Prestige

The lantern fruit is a type of gourd with luciferace laden innards that glow when exposed to oxygen, signifying its ripeness! These sturdy fruits have a thick, inedible rind but delicious pulp and seeds, and the act of carving them into glowing decorations for the Twilight Carnival goes back hundreds of years.

This fruit gives Xeros the Bioluminescence trait!

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<a href=" Thistle" class="display-item">Astera Thistle</a>

Astera Thistle

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

A hearty plant known for flowering in the winter but is also crafted into a popular tea. The plant produces a stalk capable of pushing through dense snow, and deploys modified bracts that are both exceptionally dense and colorful. These are collected by a small species of snow crab in a mutualistic exchange: the crab receives insulating protection from the elements, and the thistle distributes its seeds much further.
This plant gives Xeros the Fur Pads trait! This item is given out during events and prompts.



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<a href=" Fairy" class="display-item">Harvest Fairy</a>

Harvest Fairy

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

An excellent example of anemochory, the seeds of the Samara tree use their characteristic fibrous wings to slow their descent and hopefully spread. They are often seen spiraling down in huge numbers during the fall months in Jurupa, making it a popular seasonal travel destination!

Consuming this gives Xeros the Frilled Ears Trait!

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<a href=" Drop" class="display-item">Sugar Drop</a>

Sugar Drop

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

Initially found to be useful in cosmetic and clothes dying, this curious fungus found a completely new use when a curious scientist mistook it for a similar sweeter verity of mushroom, causing their enamel to stain permanently.

With this new discovery, aliens from all around Owai-6 have been using the Sugar Drop to dye their teeth wild colors as a new type of fashion statement!

The only toll for these Colored Teeth is the taste of the acidic and bitter Sugar Drop is difficult to forget and wash out once consumed.

Can be consumed to gain the Colored Teeth trait.


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<a href=" Fruit" class="display-item">Mult Fruit</a>

Mult Fruit

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

A sour, juicy fruit from a desert region, the mult plant has evolved a fruit with a covering of long, thick bristles to protect it from its harsh environment. As the fruit ripens, the bristles begin to fall off, and the sour fruit attracts large animals that will disperse its seed. The plant puts all of its water and energy into producing the extremely juicy mult fruit, and so after producing a single fruit, it withers away. It has been used for its strong flavor as an additive to drinks for centuries.

This fruit gives Xeros the Hairless trait! This item can only be purchased during the Twilight Carnival.


Twilight Carnival

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<a href=" Fruit" class="display-item">Goodroop Fruit</a>

Goodroop Fruit

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

The goodroop fruit also relies on animals to disperse its seeds, but its super minty taste is extremely unpleasant to all small, fruit-eating creatures on its native planet. Instead, its incredibly sticky, gooey outer coating traps small insect-like organisms to its surface, creating a tasty treat irresistible to larger carnivores, who can't digest the small pit of the fruit. Its powerful, minty flavor & cooling chemicals make it a popular ingredient in many dishes and desserts.

This fruit gives Xeros the Slimy Skin trait! This item can only be purchased during the Twilight Carnival.


Twilight Carnival

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<a href=" Fruit" class="display-item">Spikul Fruit</a>

Spikul Fruit

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

The spine-covered spikul fruit grows from a very tall, cactus-like plant. Instead of using them for defense, the spines serve a different purpose entirely; they act as perches for small flying animals that eat pest insects off of the plant. When harvested, the sturdy, colorful spines are removed prior to eating and can be used for many purposes, such as needles for fabric crafts, writing instruments, eating utensils, or just for decoration.

This fruit gives Xeros the Saber Fangs trait! This item can only be purchased during the Twilight Carnival.


Twilight Carnival

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<a href=" Mushroom" class="display-item">Virgule Mushroom</a>

Virgule Mushroom

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

The virgule is one of the Atropa mushrooms, cultivated for its brilliant colors used primarily as a natural dye for textiles. While not a wild species, it has made its way into several communities, with some even enjoying its reportedly extreme sour flavor, especially as a powdered spice.

This mushroom gives Xeros the Horizontal Pupils trait!

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<a href=" Nut" class="display-item">Hake Nut</a>

Hake Nut

Category: Seasonal Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1500 Prestige

Starting early fall the hard shells of this tree nut can be seen strewn about across the walkways of Aberion, a popular high-fat snack amongst local wildlife. Roasted hake nut is beloved by many as a traditional fall flavor for everything from baked goods to hot beverages. Even the shells are used for smoking foods or campfire kindling.

Consuming this Nut gives a Xero the Ornamental Tail trait!

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<a href=" Melon" class="display-item">Sky Melon</a>

Sky Melon

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1000 Prestige

The sky melon gets its name from the peculiar cloud-like white patches that develop over its fuzzy exterior. It’s thought that the plant can rapidly adjust the surface pigment in reaction to environmental dangers such as overheating or pests. New research suggests it could even be a method of visual communication to other plants.
This fruit gives Xeros the Reverse Countershading trait!

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<a href=" Mushroom" class="display-item">Eyecap Mushroom</a>

Eyecap Mushroom

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 150 Prestige

One of the members of the Atropa genus of fungus, its fruiting body was traditionally used in the production of dyes due to the vivid colors present, as well as the occasional recipe. Featuring a deep earthy flavor profile, some have started to utilize its unique taste to produce some trendy beverages.

This mushroom gives Xeros the Slit Pupils trait!

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<a href=" Bean" class="display-item">Helix Bean</a>

Helix Bean

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 300 Prestige

Like most bean plants it loves to climb, circumventing the woody structure required to reach such heights. However, unlike other plants, this is achieved with its fruiting bodies. Demonstrating remarkable dexterity and keen situational awareness, it uses these specialized beans to curl, grasp, and scale almost any surface.

This fruit gives Xeros the Prehensile Tail trait!

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<a href=" Pepper" class="display-item">Magma Pepper</a>

Magma Pepper

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: paradoxxpalms

Resale Value: 500 Prestige

There's no surprise where this danger fruit got its name; despite its somewhat small size it packs a huge punch. Originally adapted to ward off pest insects, the pepper contains several powerful alkaloids that create a severe burning sensation on contact. However, where most animals shy away, adventurous Alurizans instead use the pepper's tremendous heat to flavor all sorts of foods, either with the fruit directly or by fashioning it into an array of flavorful sauces!

This fruit gives Xeros the Aposematic trait!

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<a href=" Pod" class="display-item">Sweetsap Pod</a>

Sweetsap Pod

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 1000 Prestige

The pod produced by the temperate sweetsap plant has found widespread use and cultivation across Alurizan space since its discovery. These notable pods contain a milk-like white liquid, high in fats and protein, making it the sustainable go-to for everything from making ice cream to yogurts. You can even drink directly from the pod!

This fruit gives Xeros the No Countershading trait!

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<a href=" Cap" class="display-item">Bearded Cap</a>

Bearded Cap

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 150 Prestige

The bearded cap seems to have two caps! How is that possible? When immature, the secondary cap creates a little ball below the first before flowering out into a 'skirt'. The top cap scales with age, and you can tell if the mushroom is choice by the condition of its scales.

Gives a Xero the Canis Tail trait! 

Can be obtained by foraging.



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<a href=" Mela Drupe" class="display-item">Mela Mela Drupe</a>

Mela Mela Drupe

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: paradoxxpalms

Resale Value: 500 Prestige

Native to Torini, this tropical fruit has a hard outer shell that must be cracked to enjoy. The juice inside is highly pigmented, and must be handled carefully when cooking as it may stain fur and mouths! It is a popular addition to Sweetsap milk to create a frozen summer treat, and picking this fruit at peak ripeness is key; letting it fall to the ground may cause the juice inside to spill and stain the sand. It is a common sight in Torini to see patches of purple stained sand during harvest season.

This fruit gives Xeros the Dark Sclera trait!

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<a href=" Plum" class="display-item">Spice Plum</a>

Spice Plum

Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 300 Prestige

A juicy, edible fruit known for its soft skin and sweet-tart flesh. The name comes from the particular way the tree produces this fruit; it produces flowers that bear a particular smell that most organisms find repulsive. The odor, while offensive, is irresistible to its chosen pollinator, a type of fly. This method ensures very little competition to its reproductive cycle and remains a stark comparison to the pleasant fruit produced from the odorous flowers.
This fruit gives Xeros the Plume Tail trait!

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<a href="'ttash" class="display-item">Psi'ttash</a>


Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: paradoxxpalms

Resale Value: 300 Prestige

When a Korso is born, the family is given a piece of a Psi'ttash to plant. This hearty, cormous plant would grow throughout the year and would be harvested and eaten on the Korso's life day, always leaving enough of the base and roots for it to regrow again. The corm's flavor was often influenced by the growing conditions of that year, so it was considered appropriate to think about the previous year and reflect on what to be appreciative of. Once the corm is consumed, the base is replanted for the next year.

This fruit gives Xeros the Round Ears trait!


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