
Tundra Fur

Tundra Fur (Tundra)

Category: Fur Mutation
Species: Xero (Tundra subtype)
Tundra Xeros can have extra fluffy fur, called Tundra Fur. Often shown as a super fluffy neck and chest area like a mane, but can also be extra fluffy on the undersides of the limbs, the tail, sides of the face, etc.

How to get this trait
This trait can only be added to Tundra Xeros, or by using a Tundra Vial on a Xero that has the "Glitched" status.

Hairless (Seasonal)

Category: Fur Mutation
Species: Xero

Xeros are very rare. Their fur is very useful for regulating their temperature and protecting them from their environment, so its not common at all to see them with fur missing. The hairless trait can manifest in different ways; from just a hairless tail or belly, to only hair on the top of the head, to even completely bald! The color of skin where their fur is missing must be the same as the other visible flesh on their ears, tongue, and paw pads, but it can vary in different shades.

How to get this trait
This trait can be added to your Xero by giving them a Mult Fruit.
Fur Pads

Fur Pads (Seasonal)

Category: Fur Mutation
Species: Xero
The fur pads trait gives a Xero extra fluffy feet that covers their paw pads, like a rabbit or fennec fox! This adaptation can help protect their paws against extremely hot or cold conditions.

How to get this trait
This trait can be added to your Xero by giving them an Astera Thistle.
Savannah Mane

Savannah Mane (Savannah)

Category: Fur Mutation
Species: Xero (Savannah subtype)
A long fluffy mane that can cover part or all of a Xero’s back, or even go onto their tail! The primary purpose of the mane is to protect the Xero’s back from UV damage from the sun, since there is not a lot of shade on the open grasslands this trait evolved on. Plus, it also serves as a fashion statement.


How to get this trait
This trait can only be added to Savannah Xeros, or by using a Savannah Vial on a Xero that has the "Glitched" status.
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